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maybe, in exchange therefor. This bond maybe transferred or exchanged without cost to <br />the Registered Owner except for any tax or governmental charge required to be paid with <br />respect to the transfer or exchange. The City, the Registrar, the Paying Agent and any <br />other registrar or paying agent for this bond may treat and consider the person in whose <br />name this bond is registered as the absolute owner hereof for all purposes including for <br />the purpose of receiving payment of, or on account of, the principal hereof and interest <br />and premium, if any, due hereon. <br />[The bonds maturing on any maturity date are issuable only in the denomination <br />of [$1.00) [$1,000) or any integral multiple thereof.) <br />[Reference is hereby made to the Financial Assistance Agreement, as amended <br />from time to time, between the City and the Indiana Finance Authority as to certain terms <br />and covenants pertaining to the Project and this bond (the "Financial Assistance <br />Agreement").] <br />[A Continuing Disclosure Contract from the City to each registered owner or <br />holder of any bond, dated as of the date of initial issuance of the Bonds (the "Contract"), <br />has been executed by the City, a copy of which is available from the City and the terms <br />of which are incorporated herein by this reference. The Contract contains certain <br />promises of the City to each registered owner or holder of any Bond, including a promise <br />to provide certain continuing disclosure. By its payment for and acceptance of this bond, <br />the registered owner or holder of this bond assents to the Contract and to the exchange of <br />such payment and acceptance for such promises.] <br />-15- <br />