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u <br />I{ N <br />N <br />J <br />-~- <br />n <br />A <br />T <br />n W <br />s <br />a] •, <br />N •] .- <br />x I _ <br />y r - ~ - <br />a, ~-,e- <br />Y i M . <br />r I a <br />I <br />yo I p <br />1-'- <br />In <br />_z <br />HISTORIC DISTRICT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br />ao <br />>f n <br />n _ m _ <br />_ ~ . <br />-x- - ~ - <br />a <br /> <br /> U <br />A parcel of bnd located b the eouMwtst quarter, SetGon 12, Township <br />37 North, Range 2 East, to tx dnignated as on Historic Distrld in lha City <br />of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, more porticulary described as <br />foibn: <br />8eginninq at the aOethWeat comet of the rights-of-ray of Monroe Street <br />and SL Joseph Street; thence aouM along the teat right-of-way line of St. <br />Joseph Street to n point 13 feet, more or fesa, north of the north line of <br />Lot it of ioylar field Addition to the City of SouM Bend, SL Joxph County, <br />Indiana; thence west poroltel riM the north line of said tot i t, o distance <br />of 95 feet, more or kar, thence south parosel rith the vast Aghtrof-way line <br />of SL Joxph Street to o point 6 feet, more or kaa, north of said Lot 11; <br />Mence rest porolld wiM the norM line of said lot 11, to the centerline of <br />the north-eouM alley betreen M'icRgan Street and SL Joseph Street; thence <br />south along eta tenlertine of xid alley to a point 1 (one) foot, man: or less, <br />south of the north line extended of Lot 19 of Taylor field Addition to Na Cily <br />of SouM Bend, St Joseph County, Indiana; Mence east parosN rith the north <br />line of sod Lot 19, to the west Aght-of-ray Gne of St. Joseph Street; dance <br />souM along the rest right-of-toy line of St Jaxph Strenl and Sl. Joseph <br />Street extended to Me south right-af-toy line o! Bronson Street; thence Bost <br />along the south Aght-of-way line of Bronson Street to the cerdeAine o/ the <br />north-south alley between Comoa Street and Cdumbb Street; Nenca north along <br />the centerline and ceMertine extended of said asry to the emteAine of tiro <br />east-rest allry DeMeen South Street and Bmnson Street; thence coat o <br />distance of 50 feet, more or less, along tfie centerline of xid aGry; thence <br />north, paroGel to tM teat right-of-ray line of ColumtKa Street, to Me narM <br />right-of-way Gns of South Street' Mann weal abng Ma norM right-of-toy <br />Gne of South Street to the centerline of the north-south o0ry between Carrell <br />Street and Columba Street; Mence north along the centerline of said ollry <br />to the centerline of Me coat-weal alley between Monroe Street and South <br />Street thmte went obrg Me eenterlne and Centerline extended of said otlry <br />to Me centering of Cartdl Street; Mence north along said centerline to Me <br />north line extended of Lot 60 of Taylor Field Addition to Me City of South <br />BeM, St Joxph County, Ind'ano; thence reef along the north bne and Me <br />north line extended of Lol fi0 to the cmtertina of the north-aouM oilry <br />between St. Joseph Street and Carroll Street; thence north along the center- <br />line of said olky to Ma south Aght-of-way Gne of Monroe Street thence <br />west abng the south right-of-way line of Monroe Street to fta point of <br />beginning. Portage Township, City of SouM Bmd, SL Joaph County, Indiana. <br />MONROE <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />a L <br />I 1 -- <br />0 <br /> <br /> <br />N <br />-.-- <br /> <br /> <br />It -"-' <br />,] <br /> <br />Py1,-1t <br />~1] <br /> <br />. _, . u <br /> <br />,s <br /> +] „ ~ <br />SOUTH <br />ST. <br />yoy p 67 <br />sos s ss +r ~j s s • <br />S,e A a] ya <br />^ <br />su n ^" s,a <br />~_ - s <br />s,e a] a sv - - J ,o <br />r <br />N 6S] a ~ n~ ~' sm ,a e <br />Vl <br />s]a N n S'tl <br />I Tyry sax ,s w <br />sae , <br />.~c.~ ST. ~ u ~ rt ~ I ,: <br />n ~ ass it <br />eu a M <br />a a en <br />a• s ee a,r <br />I' J <br />1_ _ ] - ] _ <br />~.-_ ~ W <br />I: a a n~~ tr' <br />O <br />~~ <br />J au, <br />J eey <br />0 <br />~ ~ e,• m <br />L_-_. <br />(.7 1n <br />_ ' >z n m em ,e <br />s U y <br />~ v I 1 • I~ B~ <br />BRONSON ST. <br />w ea N u n a n <br />] <br />a <br />• s <br />_ ~ - - - - 'Q9/~~O <br />~ n <br />a - - - I m <br />1 I <br />I -_ _ I <br />LINCOLN ST. <br />a a I I I I <br />] ] • MONROE ST. <br />u ~,• <br />a <br />u ^ <br />y <br />11 -y- <br />N -a- , <br />-1- <br />s -r f~/1 <br />] a <br /> <br /> <br />- <br />a • I +a <br />I <br />I <br />_I_ <br />] I <br />I s <br />I a <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />e +r <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />o <br />N ~~ <br />2 ~{ <br />~ '(411I <br />~wF~~,,~~ SOUTH ST. <br />e I~ ' a l a • 1 6 1 • I I <br />aa1 b >: r. <br />~ ,o , I I N <br />_~~ o ,5 SUB': .L . p a <br />ry ,Ci s s -+.a- ax - N -s <br />M- - ~ <br />• N pT tr ~r <br />n e s •e ~0 <br />e <br />r <br />3I <br />O <br />J <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />ST. JOSEPH COUNTY <br />AREA PLAN COMMISSION <br />PROPOSED MONROE PARK <br />HISTORIC DISTRICT <br />