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STAFF REPORT September 4, 1998 <br />Initiated by the Common Council 1875-98 <br />Location: generally between Monroe <br />Street and Bronson Street and between <br />the north/south alley west of St. Joseph <br />Street and the north/south alley east of <br />Carroll Street <br />City of South Bend <br />REQUESTED ACTION: This is a Common Council initiated petition to establish <br />the Taylor's Field Historic Preservation District. The <br />proposed district is on St. Joseph and Carroll Streets <br />between Monroe Street on the north and Bronson Street on <br />the south. The proposed district contains 49 primary <br />structures. Located to the north is the post office; to <br />the east are single and multi-family homes; and to the <br />south and west are businesses. A check of the Agency's <br />maps indicates that no public wells, wetlands, flood <br />zones, or environmental hazard areas are present. This <br />petition received a favorable recommendation from the <br />Historic Preservation Commission. <br />PRELIMINARY <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on information available prior to the public <br />hearing, the staff recommends that this petition be sent <br />to the Common Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />