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r~r~~r~nn4t t/lfinnna Havs -SMD licenses <br />Page ~ <br />~~®~; David Tungate <br />y®; Winona Hays <br />®ag~; 2/25/2009 3:00 PM <br />~ubg~~: SMD licenses <br />Ms. Hays- <br />I approve the SMD license for the following businesses: <br />1. Gertrude Street Metal <br />2. South Bend Waste Paper <br />3. South Bend Iron and Metal <br />Dave <br />»> Winona Hays 2/12/2009 11:53 AM »> <br />Please see attached <br />Winona Nays <br />Clerk, OVB <br />2Z7 VN. Jefferson Blvd. Rm 455 <br />South Bend, IN 46601 <br />574-235-5935 <br />whaysC~lsouthbendin.aov <br />