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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting –April 17, 2009 <br /> <br />powerful this training has been to the <br />trainees. Although there were only twenty- <br />five stipends available for the classes, many <br />more appreciated the value and wanted to <br />attend even if they did not receive stipends. <br /> <br />Mr. Summers noted that in addition to job <br />readiness, there are other programs in the <br />evening providing counseling to help the <br />entire family. Children are welcome at the <br />evening sessions and have wanted to return <br />for the benefit they receive. <br /> <br />Mr. Summers said that twenty-six <br />participants live in the Urban Enterprise <br />Zone. They will be targeted for jobs within <br />the Urban Enterprise Zone. <br /> <br />Mr. Summers expressed disappointment that <br />only four graduates of the program were <br />placed into jobs so far. He attributed that <br />low number to the large number of <br />unemployed in the job market during this <br />economic downturn. He has met so far with <br />about forty local employers about <br />committing to hire Project Impact’s <br />graduates. The job skills training to date has <br />been in facilities maintenance, computer <br />repair and recycling. <br /> <br />A Beautiful Mind, a group of local <br />psychologists, partners with Project Impact <br />to provide personality assessment and <br />vocational skills assessment. They want to <br />get participants comfortable with talking to a <br />psychologist so they might ask for assistance <br />in other areas of their life where <br />psychological help would be beneficial. <br />Project Impact has been surprised at how <br />anxious participants have been to avail <br />themselves of counseling in a variety of <br />areas: alcoholics anonymous, family <br /> 11 <br /> <br />