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South Bend Police Deparhnent Usex Fee Ordinance <br />Page 2 <br />measures. Despite these fiscal measures, funds through user fees for special police services are <br />needed in order to maintain the quality and the level of police services expected and needed by the <br />South Bend community. <br />Other communities have implemented a variety of cost recovery measures, many of which <br />include charging for such special public safety services. In light of the cost to the South Bend <br />Police Department to provide such special police services, the Common Council believes that police <br />service fees and charges are necessary in order to assure that the quality of public safety services to <br />the citizens of South Bend are not jeopardized or compromised. Reasonable fees to off-set the <br />fiscal impact of providing special police services for non-municipal functions such as dignitary <br />protection are necessary and fiscally prudent. <br />The Common Council further notes that it has the authority to impose reasonable fees for <br />services under Indiana law. More specifically, Indiana Code § 36-4-6-18 authorizes the legislative <br />body to pass ordinances and to control "...the city's property and fmances, and the appropriation of <br />money". Furthermore, under the State of Indiana's "Home Rule" legislation, units of government <br />have "...all the powers that they need for the effective operation of government as to local affairs", <br />Indiana Code § 36-1-3-3. Furthermore, Indiana Code § 36-8-2-4 authorizes regulations based on <br />public health, safety or welfare considerations. <br />The proposed ordinance is believed to be in the best interests of citizens and the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana; furthers the public health and safety of the entire community; and represents <br />good business and financial management practices. <br />,~/~, ~,;~, ~ ~to~G~ ~ ~porr~rio.,z ~owrecrl of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as <br />follows: <br />Section I. Chapter 14 of the South Bend Municipal Code is amended by the inclusion of new <br />Article 10 which shall read in its entirety as follows: <br />ARTICLE 10. USER FEES FOR SPECIAL PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES PROVIDED BY <br />THE SOUTH BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />Division I User Fees for Police Special Services Involving Di~nitarylVlP Protection. <br />Sec. 14-65 User Fees Established for Non-Municipal Dignitary Protection Police Services. <br />(a) The following user fees shall be charged by the South Bend Police Department to the <br />responsible party who invites, sponsors or hosts an event which requires or requests non-municipal <br />dignitary protection special police services. Such non-municipal dignitary protection special police <br />services may include but are not be limited to time actually spent by assigned or ordered sworn <br />members of the South Bend Police Department involved in the pre-planning meetings/conferences <br />(in-person, telephonic, web meetings}; consequence management preparation; crisis management <br />preparation; transportation/traffic details; credentialing; training; interagency communications; <br />