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03-09-09 Common Council Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
03-09-09 Common Council Minutes
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City Council - City Clerk
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REGULAR MEETING MARCH 9, 2009 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />the count of shelter and unsheltered homeless individuals on the street, and for this year, <br />have counted and interviewed 116 people on January 28, 2009, that were unsheltered in <br />the community. In addition, on that same day, they interviewed 81 folks who reported <br />that they were staying somewhere precariously sheltered, staying at a friends house or <br />perhaps a fictional friends house as they did not want to admit to being unsheltered. As a <br />part of that count they counted eleven 11 spaces of bedding under two bridges in the <br />community. So the need is there on very cold nights to shelter individuals. <br /> <br />Ms. Marlene Nowak, 1709 E. Wayne Street, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she is here <br />tonight as a concerned citizen and a volunteer at Our Lady of the Road since it’s <br />inception and also at the Catholic Worker House. She stated that she sees the need first <br />hand of the people who come and drop in during the day time. There is a great need in <br />our community for people to have a safe place to sleep at night. No matter what religion <br />anyone practices we need to support and provide this kind of care on the very cold nights <br />during the winter months. She stated that this past year has been an exceptionally bitter <br />cold winter and she urged the Council to support this bill. <br /> <br />Mr. Brian Kennedy, 515 S. St. Joseph Street, South Bend, Indiana, stated that at one point <br />in his life he used the Weather Amnesty Program. He believes that it is imperative that <br />the ten (10) extra beds that could be provided by Our Lady of the Road would greatly <br />help those in need on those very cold winter nights. He stated that there is an obvious <br />need in the community and urged the Council to vote favorably. <br /> <br />Ms. Sheila McCarthey, 518 S. St. Joseph Street, South Bend, Indiana, stated that every <br />weekend she washes clothes at Our Lady of the Road and people have been telling her as <br />she hands out towels for them to take showers as she takes their laundry and washes it, <br />gives out razors for people who want to get cleaned up, that Our Lady of the Road is such <br />a great place. She stated that they are so appreciative of the service that is provided to <br />them. She stated that it has been a terribly cold winter, unlike anything anyone can <br />remember for quite some time and being able to provide ten (10) individuals to stay <br />overnight and out of the extremely cold climate would be a great help. She encourages <br />the Council to vote in favor of this bill. <br /> <br />Ms. Ann Voll, owner, Sibley Machine & Foundry, 206 E. Tutt Street, South Bend, <br />Indiana. <br /> <br />Ms. Voll stated that she does not live in the City; however she and her husband own <br />Sibley Machine & Foundry which is located one block east of Our Lady of the Road. <br />She stated that there is a positive relationship between them and the Catholic Worker <br />Community. It began a little over two (2) years ago, when she volunteered at Our Lady <br />of the Road, but it is an ongoing relationship that has had opportunities to employ a <br />number of folks that on a regular basis visit at the Catholic Worker Community. She <br />stated that the experience has been with an organization that is exceptionally well run and <br />agrees that the residents would be in safe situation. She stated that she has followed the <br />renovation of the building and they are certainly done in a first class way. She reiterated <br />what Mr. Rink from Rink Riverside Printing stated that as businesses in the community <br />anything that they can do to further the efforts of the Catholic Workers and the homeless <br />community they certainly endorse. She stated that over the past two (2) years that they <br />have successfully employed and still have in their employment three (3) individuals that <br />have passed through the Catholic Worker Community, two of which are currently <br />pursuing educations at Ivy Tech. In addition to simply the housing situation, there really <br />is a very positive effort that is occurring in that four or five block area and it is important <br />for the Council to be aware of. She urged the Council’s favorable consideration of this <br />bill. <br /> <br />There was no one present wishing to speak in opposition to this bill. <br /> <br />Councilmember Dieter made a motion for favorable recommendation to full Council <br />concerning this bill as substituted. Councilmember Davis seconded the motion which <br />carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br /> <br /> 4 <br /> <br />
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