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Date Filed <br />Date received by the Area Plan Commission 12-12-OS <br />I (we) the undersigned make application to the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana to <br />amend the zoning ordinance as herein requested. <br />1) The property sought to be rezoned is located at: <br />2013 Ford St. South Bend, 1N 46619 <br />2) Name and address of property owner(s) of the petition site: <br />Yakira Mcleod / Shelia Stroud <br />1134 Beale St. South Bend, IN 46616 / 1746 N. Olive St. South Bend, IN 46628 <br />3) Name and address of contingent purchaser(s), if applicable: <br />4) It is desired and requested that this property be rezoned <br />from: SF2 Single Family and Two Family District <br />to: MU Mixed Use District <br />5) This rezoning is requested to allow the following use(s): <br />We are seeking to establish a local convenience store, that is easy to travel to and convenient for the <br />community. <br />6) Attached is a copy of (a) legal description of the property; (b) seventeen (17) preliminary site plans; (c) a <br />statement of purpose and intent; (d) a list of names and addresses of all property owners and the tax key <br />numbers for all properties within 300 feet of the petition property; and (e) addressed, stamped envelopes for <br />all property owners within 300 feet of the petition property (f) a location map, if available, drawn to scale, <br />which includes street names, printed in 8'/z" x 11" format. <br />Application No. <br />x ~ ~~ <br />- <br />Q~Q ~ 2 ZQ~~ x <br />~~1wA of r.E~l r'`;?~1~1'tlSSlf}a`l ~-- o+.~.,<,~; <br />PETITION PREPARED BY: CONTACT PERSON: (If different) <br />Yakira Mcleod, 1134 Beale St., S <br />574-5~9-5~~-1" <br /> <br />~il~:~ !l~ ~~~~'~ C~~f~~~ <br />F E B 1 3 20C9 <br />JOf?td VCOFDE <br />CITY CLFt~lt, So. 6'sldD, iN. <br />~11~~ 1~ l~#~~E"a9e7 ~a~l~® <br />D ~ C 1 2 2008 <br />JAHN ~~D©RDE <br />C17Y CtEFiI{, aC. I~F;VD, tel. <br />