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ORDINANCE NO. 1 ~ ~ ~ " Q~ <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />APPROPRIATING $ 75,000.00 FROM THE <br />COVELESKI IMPROVEMENT FUND (FUND N0.401) <br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br />The Coveleski Improvement Fund (Fund No. 401) was established for the purpose of <br />funding capital improvements to the Coveleski Regional Stadium. The Park Department <br />Superintendent has developed and presented a plan for development and improvement of <br />the stadium, which plan budgets $ 75.,000.00 for capital improvements to be made in 2000. <br />2000 improvements include exterior landscaping, interior and exterior painting, suite and lobby <br />refurbishing, sealing and striping of three parking lots and the addition of outfield lighting <br />fixtures. The Common Council has determined it is in the best interest of the City of South Bend <br />to appropriate sufficient funds from the Coveleski Improvement Fund to allow these capital <br />improvements to be made. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section I. The following sum of money is hereby appropriated and ordered set apart <br />from and within the Coveleski Improvement Fund (Fund No. 401) for capital improvements <br />to the Coveleski Regional Stadium. <br />Account No. Description Amount <br />401.0404.452.39.89 Capital Improvement Fund $ 75,000.00 <br />Section II. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the <br />Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />Member, South Bend Com o Council <br />1 st READING 1'~--13-~ <br />PUELI~ f'EP,RING \-~0-ab <br />3 rd READING (-\~ .p~ <br />NOT APPROVED <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED 1-\l7-©~ <br />,.,.. <br />,~hp,~~ <br />._..,~.~..,~...a__ ~,.,,_,.I <br />DEC 0 ~ t~99 <br />2:3T'~ ~L~ ~i;, Wit?. E3;'t: r, t`. <br />