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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting –March 6, 2009 <br /> <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br /> <br /> D. Airport Economic Development Area <br /> <br />(1) Discussion of New Tech High School. <br /> <br />seen those responsible for education partner <br />with business and the city. That is the only <br />way to educate our children. The school <br />board cannot remain separate from the rest of <br />the community, and the community cannot <br />afford to not be in the education business. <br />We have to find ways to work together. This <br />is going to take all of our skills, and a level <br />of trust we have not had toward each other in <br />the past. She is in favor of this project. <br /> <br />Ms. Spivey agreed. Though she was one of <br />the school board members who voted against <br />moving forward with New Tech High at the <br />Marycrest Building, she wants the <br />Commission and the city to say yes to <br />education, to the village concept. It takes us <br />all. Education does directly impact economic <br />development. <br /> <br />Rev. Rouse noted that the Economic <br />Development Committee of the Common <br />Council has asked for all the interested <br />parties to meet to discuss the outstanding <br />issues. One of the reasons the school <br />corporation is here this morning is because <br />the Indiana House passed HB1001. He asked <br />the Commission to be very cautious. In the <br />post-HB1001 environment, the city’s TIF <br />district money may be needed for city <br />operations. He supports the New Tech High <br />concept and the idea of working <br />collaboratively with the school corporation <br />for the betterment of our children. The <br />Council wants to give due diligence to the <br />process, especially in the post-HB1001 <br /> 27 <br /> <br />