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Staff.Reoort 4/7/2016 <br />Agency Comments: <br />County Surveyor recommends approval. City Engineer recommends approval, subject to <br />review and approval of engineering plans for drainage, water, sewer, and other <br />I n improvements on site. Department of Community Investment recommends <br />approval, but recommends that Smart- Streets principles be used to enhance the site, and <br />the facade be constructed according to the West Side Main Streets Design Guidelines. <br />Commitments: <br />The petitioner is not proposing any written commitments. <br />Criteria to be considered in reviewing rezoning requests, per IC 36 -7- 4-603: <br />1. Comprehensive Plan: <br />Policy Plan: <br />The petition is consistent.with the West Side Main Streets Plan (2014); Create Destinations <br />and Focus Retail into Nodes rather than Strip Development. <br />Land Use Plan: <br />The Future Land Use Map identifies this area as a Neighborhood Commercial Node. <br />Plan Implementation /Other Plans: <br />There are no other plans for this area. <br />2. Current Conditions and Character: <br />Lincolnway West between downtown South Bend and Sherman Avenue is a-neighborhood <br />commercial corridor with a mixture of commercial and residential uses. <br />3. Most Desirable Use: <br />The most desirable use is one that is compatible with the mixed use nature of the corridor. <br />4. Conservation of Property Values: <br />Due to the existing commercial nature of Lincolnway West, surrounding property values <br />should not be adversely affected. <br />5. Responsible Development And Growth: <br />It is responsible development and growth to rezone this property to MU Mixed Use District, <br />the most prevalent zoning district in this neighborhood corridor, and also the most <br />appropriate based on the MU Mixed Use development standards. <br />Combined Public Hearing <br />The petitioner is seeking the following variances: <br />1) From the required minimum 50% of a building's front facade to be located within the <br />minimum and maximum setback to 39% along Lincolnway West; <br />2) From the required minimum 20' parking setback along Lincolnway West to 15'; and <br />3) From the maximum allowable 8,000 square feet for a single retail use to 8,225 square feet <br />State statutes and the South Bend Zoning Ordinance require that certain standards must be met <br />before a variance can be approved. The standards and their justifications are as follows: <br />(1) The approval will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of <br />the community: <br />Only a small portion of two parking spaces will be encroaching into the 20' setback. The <br />proposed structure is 3% larger than what is allowed. The relatively small variations <br />requested are consistent with the character of the area and will not be injurious to the <br />APC # 2776 -16 Page 2 of 3 <br />