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Paget pf2 <br />We find that Te:ppplicant meets the genetral standards in the resolutfon adapted or la be adopted by 1t18; fagdy; Said fesolutian, passed ar:to be passed <br />under IC 8 =1:1.12:1; provides far the tollowing [irtiifatlons: <br />A The designated afea itas bQen limited to a ioerltod oftirria noito exceed calendary6ars' (sea beloit+�,; ij: date khrsifesfgrlatian <br />eiipirt s t - - - <br />B: 7he;type o #_ deduction -" is- aliowed in the dmignaied area is limited.tq: _ <br />1:� Redevelopment or rehabilitation of real estate improvements Yes., ] Na <br />2, i4dentialty distressed areas p Y, 'p No <br />C. The ampur t of the a uchon t3pg1t0abli ±: is limited .(0 5: <br />Q: 01her.lirnitailons or.eanditions (specify] <br />E NulTib6bf earsalloVred: y®gr 1 Year 2 Ye6r3. E] Year4 YaarS t -- ed hel©* <br />Year 7 ❑ Year & 11 Yaar, 0 Q 'Yea01 D <br />F Fora stafeinent fif�enefits apprcvad aftsrJune 3U ?t513, did This a- en..- nEsctiedu[e p ®r lC t3 i. i °iL f -17? <br />.. ....ea <br />-. . <br />• Yes No <br />Ifs i attaclh a copy of the abatement sdiedule to ails form. <br />tf no, the designating body is requited to establish an abatement schedule before the deduction can be dale"ined, <br />Wa ha+r also Pt'Vi+ed the'infoiiriaGafl contained in the statement ofhenr3tlts and pitd that the estlmates and expeetatioras are reasonable and have <br />tle {ermined Ifief th'e totaeity of benefits is suffielent to Justify the deductioni described above, <br />Approved (aioa re. end flue of eulftsa72ed memZel W dosJyAOGrrg 86dh <br />Telephone number <br />Dale sr ned f+nonfh day, earl' <br />Printed name of aulhof¢edmembet of desionaling body <br />tame of design8fing body <br />Aliesled by (sionefum apdfiffe ofafl!Wo j <br />Printed name of attester <br />" If the itet ignating body limits fire lime period during which an area Is an ©conomlc revitalization area, Ihat Umifatlon does not limit the length of time a <br />taxpayer is entitled to receive a deduction to a number of years that is less than the number of years designated under IC 6.1.1- 12.1 -17. <br />A Far reSid2ntlaily distressed areas where the Form SB- ilReal Property teas approved pnor to July 1, 2613, the'deduc Hon s established in IC <br />d 1:1 12.I -;l.i remain in effect: The deduction period may not exceed five �5} years. Fora Farm S13-91Real Prupertythat Is approved after June 30. <br />21313, that designating body is required tv establish an abatement schedule for each deduction allowed' The deduction period rri#s:iot exceed ten <br />(ipj_years. (See IG 6.1,1- 12,1 =17 below.} <br />8. For the rBdevalnpmanl or rehabllllatlon bf real properly ►vht t@ the Form SH- 11Rea) Property wss approved piiorto'JUfp 1, 2513', the abifornent . <br />scriedrtle apprrved by the designating body remains in effect. For a Farm SB- 11Re21 Property that is approved after June 39, 2418, fire designating <br />bQtiy is required to,establish an abatement schedule far each deduction allowed. (See IC ti -1,1- 12.1 -17 below -) <br />Abatement sche,Oli sk <br />Sem 17.,(a) A design pttg body Srldy,pptvide to a business that is established in or r$lo_c_ated to arevitaizattonarea and that receives a deduction under` <br />>:nGLorti1 gt9; of this chapter -an abatement schsdul¢ h2sad on the follaVAng factors; <br />i1} fha total attiOUnt of the taxpayer's investment in real and �ersohal property.: <br />(2) The numberof nevr futlrtime equivalent jobs &naiad. . <br />(3) The average wage ofthe pew employees comparetl;to the state ribinium wage: <br />(a) The infrastructure requir mpnts for the tezpeyers inveslirifint. <br />(b) This subsection applies to a statarAent of benefits approved after June 311, 2013; A desig atirig body shall estnbiish an abatameni sched6k <br />for each dedric4ion allowed under this chapter. An abatement schedule must specify the psreentags`arisoitnE f.fhe deduction f*r eaGtiye2ir of <br />the deduction. An abaterrientschedule may not exceed ten. (10) years_ <br />(c'I An abatement schedule approved fora particulaf texpayar before July 1, 21)13, irenfains In ef%Ci until the atiatirnent schedule exp9ras under <br />the terms of the'resululion approvirig the taxpayar's staterent of banagts. <br />Paget pf2 <br />