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STATEMENT DF 13ENE0TS <br />PERSONAL PROPERTY <br />State -Form 54754IFU /12 ' 11.t <br />r • iyl,he Oepartmeni otLocal GoVemnient Finance <br />IN TRL/OT1910-. <br />FORM SBA i PP <br />,PRIVACY NOTICIi; <br />�T}��,,4 yrostapd�nY •specil(ciltdivtdllal's <br />my infommalio • is abnifdaidial; the <br />balancB cFthe- fil�ngYs "ptibllQ record <br />pertC S i. t- 12.1 =5.1 • c and (d). <br />1. This -staterrlent must be gdhinitted• to the body,designatfng the Econornk Revitalization AnMa Pilot to file public.hearingg.if the desfgnat!n4 body regr)fi;es <br />infotmal/oh frog► the applfeant inmak(ity its deefsion abqut tYhether to: designate an"Ecisnomic Ravitalizallon A►ea; Othenvlse this stdt+#merit rrii►stlie sifbrrtHted <br />to the designating.,6oiiy 81 <�OR�� pardon fgsla(ls tits; manufactGdng'egt/ipment andTorreseaPch and itet+elop/neert equfgmenf; •and /br7o�siia�l -dis`Irlbaifon <br />eciulpmenfohd /orinforrtaatfon ech olpgy egulpmant for which #hg' .erson.wishes to claim a deducifon: P#oJegts "planned br irom»tltfe'd to afer July j, 49 &7, <br />and aleas desfgriataii after Jufy 'jr 9'987, require. a STi.4TEi4ENT ViF BENENT.S (1C 1), <br />2. Approval of the desfgnatfrig'body (Uly Council, rowlt -Board County Council, etc.) must be obtainedprlof.#oinstoliefion of thenbiOmanufacturing pgulpMent <br />and /or research a!!d i/ ogrgliriieht etj(rlpmeni end or fogistfcal disfrlbution equfpmenf end/orinforniatl 1n, technology equipment, BEFORE a deifudfioii .may <br />be approved <br />3 To .obtain a de.ductlon, a POrso'n fngst fife a xeaig.d.dedu-ctio'n, schodgle. with lhs persot/ "s personal �rgpertyletum on a ce1ln"ied deduatfo{r setts "dule•(Fpmr <br />103:ER4j with the #owttshfp essessdr of the tot+vns(rip whets tha property, is sif�7ated or With the ooAy_4ssassorff there Is no tdwriship hisses gifibetfre <br />toWrishfp. The ib3- ERAmustbe fll�cJba Peen March f and May 1$nfthe assessinenf yearin Whfclr newmanepfuring agriipment and/orrer parch and <br />developt»eitt`ecjuipfien# et)o%%rloy)sUcal oiisbulion equipment and/or Infor/rfati6h technclQgy eij7{flitneiitls insfelled and folly ftine�on�al, 'unless a fiing <br />axfehsforr had beep obfaiited: A person who ob #sins a filing extension tpust'flle the. fdtm. 6etwseir Meech 9 -- end the extended due date bf th& year. <br />F Property ok+ners whose Statement of Ben'sflho was approved after Juno 3t) 1991,.r0g4(eubmW Pbrm GF:1 % PP annually to s1.gW vomplfance v fh the <br />tSf�ttemehf of Benefi(s. (it 6:9..1 -J2 1:5.6) <br />t. The schedule's esteblt�hed underic 6 -1.1- 129- Atx(d) and (e) apply fi equipment rr+stalled after AUrch 1,.2001, unless ail alternative deductfon schedule is <br />adapted by fhe desi-gnailnj b6dli (IC (1-111- 12.1 -11). <br />SECTION •• YER INFORMATION <br />Name of taxpayer <br />South Bend Forin Tool Ina <br />//Coou., <br />n� <br />4Adc re Indif (aaxAv "8J eendglN 4� "t OFD' atale,.and ZIP code) <br />Rayne of conlapt persod <br />Tefsphone nurpber <br />Herb Eggers <br />674286.2441 <br />SECTION a • AND DESCRIPTION OF -• -• a PROJECT <br />Name of designating body <br />ResoTullon number (s) <br />City of South Bend <br />Locatlon•of property <br />1616 81623 Franklin St., South Bend, IN 46613 <br />County <br />Ist Joseph <br />DLGF W-Atng dlstridt number, <br />Description of tnanUtactui'ing a, b1prite4t,and/6r reseerch end deyelopment equipment <br />ES fIMATED <br />and /or Ibggist(cai distribution equ pmenl and/or informatidn technology irquipmOnT <br />(uso additional sheets if necessaiy) <br />START-DATE. COMPI;7!QN DATE <br />Manufacturing 440ipm6nt <br />3/1512016 12!1512017 <br />R & D Egyipti or t <br />CNC Lathes, Wire ECM, Automatic Band Saw, Auto CMM, Tooling, Warehouse Raddng, PC's, ERP Software <br />Logist Dist FgtQprnetit <br />7/15!2016 11115/2016 <br />IT Egtfiprfinept <br />7/15/2016 10/31/2017 <br />SECTIOW3 ESTIMATE OF • YEES AND SALARIES AS RESU LT OF -••• PROJECT <br />Currentnumber Salaries Rumberrei$ined 5aades Numberadd@ional Salaries' <br />17 $785,000 11 $7,000 B $378,560 <br />SECTION 4 ESTIMATED TOTAL COST AND VALUE OF PROPOSED PROJECT <br />ti9AtVUFACTURiNG R & D EQUIPMENT LOGIST D* IP rr E <br />NOTE-., Pursuaritiodt; 6 -1.1- 1,.2,9 -fi.1 (d) (2) the EQUIPMENT EQUIPfiftENT QUIPMENT <br />COST di file property is confiaeii�tleL cbsrt ASSESSED COST' ASSESS i GO,ST ASS! SEED OOgt 4°SSESSI =D <br />'VALUE. VAL VAll1E VALUE <br />Curfetjivatiie's <br />' <br />-Plo .e3th ted values of propRged.pfojeot <br />$623,077, <br />;623,077 <br />$11,305 o <br />$9,30o 0 <br />Less vaittes of "' y pTOperty..being remi)apeii <br />N 3,077 $623,077 <br />$11,305 - n 89,300 0 <br />SECTION 5 WASTE CONVERTED AND OTHER BENEFITS <br />PROMISED BY <br />rr laied solid wastepFnyetted (pound$) <br />f= sUrriate� hazefdous.weste converted (pounds) <br />[Estl <br />her` lia�etlis^ <br />SECTION CERTIFICATION <br />I hereby certify that the represenletions_ to this statement are flue: <br />3ighaturadfatithodzad 'representative ` t " oolagtW,2Yo;s4,nos oby 1Kella11 ro <br />Ss. <br />Title <br />P.I.ot Manager <br />Dte.sgneditonih,dayyead <br />03 /03/2016 <br />rage ( of 9 <br />