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This consolidation of government services is consistent with the recommendations of the <br />Kernan-Shepard report, published earlier this yeaz. We have co-located highly trained <br />investigators and prosecutorial staff members in a single unit, dedicated to the <br />investigation and prosecution of these crimes against women and children. <br />Unti12007, the FV/SVU was housed on the second floor of the CASIE Center building, <br />at no cost to the County or Cities. However, the space became and remains insufficient <br />for the staffof the FV/SVU. With the receipt of the President's Family Justice Center <br />Initiative grant awazd, the FV/SVU was able to relocate, without incurring rent costs, to <br />the Family Justice Center building. <br />The Family Justice Center secured atwo-year lease of the former United Health Services <br />building located at 711 East Colfax Avenue, South Bend, Indiana. This lease included <br />space for the FV/SVU on the second floor of the building; the terms of the lease expired <br />at the end of December 2008. <br />The Family Justice Center spent over $105,000 in grant funds to make the building <br />compliant with ADA standards, to add a medical exam room, and to install telephone and <br />network cables necessary for the staff to perform their work tasks. Additionally, a <br />$25,000 security system was installed, at no labor cost, by the Notre Dame Security <br />Police Department. <br />The FV/SVU has grown, due to an increase in the number of these cases reported in St. <br />Joseph County: <br />In 2003, there were 3,177 cases investigated. <br />In 2007, there were 3,676 cases investigated. <br />- 15.7% increase <br />It is perhaps because of the co-location - of police detectives, from the three major police <br />departments, with deputy prosecutors and our support staff -that it has not become <br />necessary to increase the number of staff at the rate that the caseload has increased. <br />Members of the FV/SVU aze dedicated to conducting thorough investigations and <br />prosecutions of those crimes that affect the most vulnerable members of our community. <br />They continue to do so while seeing an increase in the number of cases referred by local <br />law enforcement. <br />On December 16, 2008, in a public hearing, in a 7-0 vote, the St. Joseph County Council <br />passed Ordinance 112-08, appropriating $43,500 from the "Rainy Day" fund to pay rent <br />for the FV/SVU for 2009. On December 23, 2008, the St. Joseph Commissioners <br />approved the ordinance in a 3-0 vote. In the ordinance, Section 2 reads: <br />"This ordinance shall be in full force and effect contingent upon an <br />appropriation from the City of South Bend for $43,500 from and after <br />its passage and approval as required by law." (See attached <br />ordinance.) <br />The St. Joseph County Council and Commissioners, under the terms of their Ordinance, <br />cannot issue a check to the owner of the building located at 711 East Colfax to pay rent <br />