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Additional information: (Agency comments) <br />The City Engineering Department may have a water and/or sewer line in the old Ivy Road right- <br />of-way. The City Engineering Department will determine the location of any easement needed. <br />The developer will be required to work with City Engineering to adjust the building configuration <br />if existing infrastructure improvements exist in the vacated right-of--way of Ivy Road. <br />The Department of Community and Economic Development suggests the sidewalk be moved <br />closer to the building and the trees moved outside the sidewalk. If trees aze to be planted in the <br />right-of--way, the City Forester must be contacted. <br />The developer will be required to work with the City Parks Department for creating an acceptable <br />tree planting area along Ivy Court frontage, as shown. <br />5 Criteria (per IC 36-7-4-603): <br />1. Comprehensive Plan: <br />Policy Plan: <br />City Plan, South Bend Comprehensive Plan, November 2006 <br />H 1.3 Encourage the development of mixed-use buildings. <br />LU 2.1 Encourage developers to use planned unit and traditional neighborhood <br />development models to promote land use compatibility in future developments. <br />LU 2.2 Pursue a mix of land uses along major corridors and other locations identified on <br />the Future Land Use Map. <br />Land Use Plan: <br />The future land use map identifies this area as low and high density residential. <br />2. Current conditions and character: <br />The site is vacant. The azea to the. east of Notre Dame is experiencing tremendous growth. <br />Several high density residential projects have been built in the past few years. The realignment of <br />Twyckenham Road created Ivy Court, which accesses the bed and breakfast and condominiums. <br />The eastern edge of the athletic complex for the University of Notre Dame is directly across <br />Twyckenham Drive. High density residential complexes also exist due east of the site. <br />3. Most desirable use: <br />The most desirable use for this site incorporates the trend of high density residential and the <br />increased need for services due to the increase of residents in the azea. <br />4. Conservation of property values: <br />The surrounding property values of the existing residential properties to the north may be <br />affected. <br />5. Responsible development and growth: <br />It is responsible development and growth to allow a mixed use development compatible with <br />surrounding high density residential and commercial uses. <br />Recommendation: <br />Based on information available prior to the public hearing, the staff recommends that the petition <br />be sent to the Common Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Analysis: <br />A mixed use development containing both residential and commercial components would not be <br />out of chazacter in this neighborhood. The proximity to the University of Notre Dame, high <br />density residential projects in the azea, the commercial at Edison and South Bend Avenue and the <br />new Innovation Pazk building aze driving the need for a walkable, commercial-style development. <br />John & Leona Rappelli <br />#2494-08 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />