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RESOLUTION NO. tea943 _ <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br /> OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, URGING THE 103RD INDIANA <br /> GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO AMEND THE INN-KEEPER TAX OF <br /> ST. JOSEPH COUNTY BY ADOPTING HOUSE BILL 1516 . <br /> WHEREAS, the expanding convention and tourism activity in the <br /> South Bend Area imports more than thirty-seven (37) million dollars <br /> into the community' s economy; and <br /> WHEREAS, the five percent (5%) St. Joseph County Hotel-Motel Tax <br /> generates approximately $500, 000 to $600 , 000 annually, and makes <br /> possible the financing of the Century Center and its convention <br /> facilities, and also provides essential revenue to allow the community <br /> to conduct an aggressive convention and tourism marketing programs; and <br /> Whereas, the present state law requires hotels and motels to submit <br /> to the State quarterly remittances of the designated taxes which in turn <br /> creates fiscal and budgeting problems for our community by the unpredic- <br /> table timing of the tax revenue being distributed back to the County; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend believes that <br /> House Bill 1516 would correct this problem by requiring hotel-motel tax <br /> monies to be submitted to the St. Joseph County Treasurer instead of <br /> the State Revenue Department, and charges the Treasurer with the <br /> responsibility of its administration. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br /> SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, as follows : <br /> SECTION I . The Common Council of the Civil City of South Bend, <br /> Indiana, urges the 103rd Indiana General Assembly to amend the current <br /> inn-keeper tax procedure of St. Joseph County by adopting House Bill 1516 . <br /> SECTION II . The Common Council believes that H. B. 1516 would <br /> eliminate administrative cost at the State level by requiring the hotel- <br /> motel tax to be submitted to the St. Joseph County Treasurer instead of <br /> the State Revenue Department, and would correct the fiscal and budgeting <br /> problems for our community which are associated with this tax by having <br /> the County Treasurer be responsible for its administration. <br /> Section III . The Common Council believes that H. B. 1516 is in the <br /> best interest of the community and would parallel three other methods of <br /> state-imposed local taxes such as the Auto Excise Tax, the Gross Income <br /> Tax on Real Estate Sales, and the Bank-Building & Loan Tax. <br /> Section IV. The Common Council authorizes the City Clerk to send a <br /> certified copy of this Resolution upon its adoption to the Ways and <br /> Means Committee of the State House of Representatives. <br /> SECTION V. This Resolution shall be in full, force, and effect, from <br /> and after its adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br /> Member of he Common Council <br /> FILED IN CLERK'S OFFICE <br /> FEB 9 1982 PRESENTED <br /> Irene Gammon NOT APPROVED <br /> CITY CLERK,SOU H BEND,IND. ADOPTED a, d <br />