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f'~~ef tne-E~~=-~~k Department of Administration and <br />Finance and the Common Council. The bureau and Department of <br />Code Enforcement shall cause the premises where such proposed <br />scrap or junkyard, or recycling operation is to be located to be <br />visited and inspected for the purpose of determining whether such <br />premises are fit and proper for the maintenance and operation of <br />such a business. All inspections must be completed by the Code <br />Enforcement and the Fire Department's Fire Prevention Bureau <br />within ten (10) business days of the receipt of an application by the <br />City. <br />(2) The application shall also be referred to the South Bend <br />Police Department for review and recommendation. The Police <br />Department shall conduct an investigation of each applicant and <br />make a recommendation ~'^-~ as to <br />whether the application should be granted. In making its <br />recommendation, the Police Department shall consider the criminal <br />history of the applicant, if any, and the likelihood that granting the <br />application will endanger the health, safety or welfare of the <br />public. A report of the investigation and a copy of the traffic and <br />police record of the applicant, if any, and the recommendation of <br />the Police Department shall be attached to the application €e~he <br />~:a°~^*~^^ ^r and forwarded to the Office of the City r^~~_ <br />Clerk. 'T~n~-^~t~e--~'~-~=t~~er-s~~co~Ta~~e <br />rccvixxrne$dut16"' ^~ rh° D.,1:~~~°„r "~l .,11~ <br />, T~vic <br />,,,b,°tl,°.- •1,° .,..r,l;.,.,r;., x},.,,,1.1 1.° ., .,.,t°rl <br />(3) The Office of the City Clerk shall forward to the Common <br />Council President with a copy to the City Controller, the <br />recommendation of the Police Department, and all information <br />provided with or in support of the application in determining <br />whether the a~nlication should be granted. Upon receipt of the <br />implication and comments or recommendations of the South Bend <br />Departments of Police, Fire and Code Enforcement, the Common <br />Council by resolution shall improve or disapprove such application <br />at its next regular meeting_ <br />CD *--cn~6~ri18'IY'-C"E~'11'~ 2'211~~'~1'CIT° ° ~•l„4;.ter. r:41, 41~,° <br />," <br />.,r° f`..,,.,,,;1 Ct.,,,(1;,,.. r'.,.,,.,,:rr°° ., .,11 ~ ~.1, r ^l.,r;^„~ <br />In the event that an applicant does not meet current Code <br />requirements as evidenced in writing through the City <br />Administration's inspection process, the l;ep~~~f <br />^,1...,:^~°*r^*~^~ ^a ~~^^^°° Office of the Cit~rk may Issue <br />