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Drain and Downspout Disconnect Ordinance Regulations <br /> Page 2 <br /> (a) `` _" ' _: _ ' -•- :•- •_ ;, : : No newly constructed gutter,downspout,roof drain, <br /> foundation drain or off-street parking area drain shall be connected with or permitted to drain into the <br /> sanitary sewer system of the City. After ouch a , Whenever it becomes necessary to rebuild, repair or <br /> replace any such drain : =- : : - -'• :: : it shall be rebuilt, repaired or <br /> replaced in such a manner that it will no longer be built,repaired or replaced in such a manner that it will <br /> no longer be connected with or flow into the sanitary sewer system of the City. <br /> , <br /> w=ietecr. <br /> (b) Storm water and all other unpolluted drainage including cooling water shall be discharged to <br /> retention or detention basins, to naturally occurring or construed wetlands, to rain barrels, cisterns, to a <br /> natural outlet, or utilize other Best Management Practices (BMP) methods approved by the Department <br /> of Public Works and authorized by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management(IDEM)or in <br /> the case of residential properties to "On-Lot Treatment" practices recommended by the Environmental <br /> Protection Agency (EPA).r The Department of Public Works is authorized to institute additional <br /> compliance regulations and standards so long as they are discussed with the Council's Utilities Committee <br /> prior to taking effect and conspicuously_posted on the City of South Bend's official municipal website. <br /> (c) Due to the extraordinary estimated costs to implement the Long Term Control Plan(LTCP) <br /> mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)and the Indiana Department of Environmental <br /> Management(IDEM),all buildings,sump pumps,and parking lots which currently direct their stormwater <br /> into the sanitary or combined or storm water sewers shall have up to five (5) years from the date of the <br /> passage of this ordinance to disconnect,with the following limited exceptions and requirements: <br /> (I) All building rooftops located in Commercial/Mixed Use Districts defined in Section <br /> 21-03 of Article 3 of Chapter 21 of the South Bend Municipal Code which include:OB <br /> Office Buffer District, MU Mixed Use District, 0 Office District, LB Local Business <br /> District, CB Community Business District, CBD Central Business District, and GB <br /> General Business District, shall have a limited exemption which shall be subiect to the <br /> owner(s) of each such building filing with the City's Department of Public Works <br /> (DPW)within the first three(3) years of said five(5)year period,a feasibility study <br /> I IDEM sets forth"Technical Resources for Best Management Practices(BMP)which promote the most environmentally- <br /> friendly methodologies. EPA has set forth as part of their"Best Management Practices"On-Lot <br /> Treatment methods which are available at http://water.epa.uov/polwaste/npdes/swbmp/On-Lot-Treatment.cfm <br />