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)WHERE the Cotmell held a public hearing for the purposes of bear ag all <br />remonstrances and obje ctions - om Interested persons; an <br />V�Fffif�E.S, the, C ounc il h as detenr fined that the, qualifications for a residentially <br />distressed area have been net. <br />NOW, THEREFORE5 BE I T RESOLVED by the Col .mon Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, as follows <br />S ION l.. The ommon Conn <br />ell hereby determm* es and finds that the petition for real <br />properly tam abatement a t h e S tatement o f Benefits form meet the requirements of Indiana <br />Code 6 - 1.1 -12.1 et seq ., for tax a <br />Co uncil hereby determines and finds that the area meets one of the <br />S ' �. �e onn �o sed on <br />follo�g conditions as for nal established o dman e Tip. 9394 0 , rb was pas <br />Febr 10, Zoo <br />A. The area is comprised of parcels that are either wdm proved or contain only one 1 <br />or two (2) fa dwelling designed for up to four families, including accessory <br />buildings for hose dwellings, or <br />B. A .ny dwellm'g k m <br />the area are not permanently occupied and are: <br />L the stbjeet of an order issued under IC 36-7-9; or <br />ii. evidencing significant building deficiencies; or <br />C . parce of property In th e area: <br />1. ha v e been sold and not redeemed under C and 6-1.1-2 or <br />ii, are owned by a unit of local government; or <br />significant number of dwelling units within the area are not permanently <br />�� <br />occupy g <br />occup or a si m' ficant n rnber of parcels in the area are vacant land; or <br />E. A sig nificant number of dwelling units within the area are: <br />. the subject of an order issued under IC 36-7- or <br />ii. evidencing significant building d.e.cies; or <br />F. T area has experien a net loss in the number of dwelling units, as documented <br />b information, ' local buildin and demolition p enlu* ts, or certificates of <br />census g a <br />oc u anc , or the areas are owned by Indiana or the United States; or <br />r designated under this sub Wlll not. <br />G. The area (plus any areas design <br />e ten percent 10% of the total area within the Council's jurisdiction.. <br />SECTION 111. The Common Council also hereby determines and finds the following: <br />A. ' n of the p roposed t the. descr redevelopment meets the applicable standards _ <br />for such de velopment. <br />That the estima ' to ofth value of the redevelopment is reasonable for projects of this <br />nature; <br />C. T the o t her benefits about which information was req are benefits that can <br />be rea expected ected t result from the proposed described redevelopment; and <br />2 <br />