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Confirming Tax Abatement - 3603 Progress Dr. (5 Year Real Property)
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Confirming Tax Abatement - 3603 Progress Dr. (5 Year Real Property)
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11/10/2015 10:43:48 AM
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11/10/2015 10:43:48 AM
City Council - City Clerk
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RESOLUTION NO. I 1 Ic t -s`{ <br /> A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADOPTION OF A DECLARATORY <br /> RESOLUTION DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY <br /> OF SOUTH BEND, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 3603 PROGRESS DRIVE, <br /> SOUTH BEND, IN 46628 TO BE AN ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION <br /> AREA FOR PURPOSES OF REAL PROPERTY TAX. ABATEMENT. <br /> WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend has <br /> adopted a Declaratory Resolution designating certain areas within the <br /> City as Economic Revitalization Areas for the purpose of tax abate- <br /> ment consideration; and <br /> WHEREAS, a Declaratory Resolution designated the area <br /> commonly known as 3603 Progress Drive, South Bend, IN 46628 and more <br /> particularly described by a line drawn as follows: <br /> A tract or parcel of land located in the Southwest Quarter <br /> of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 38 North, Range 2 East, <br /> more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is <br /> One Hundred Ninety-five and Eighteen Hundredths (195.18) feet North and <br /> Eight Hundred Fifty-five and Fifty-four Hundredths (855.54) feet Easterly <br /> of the center of said Section 33, said point being on the North line of <br /> Progress Drive; thence North 0° 19' 51" East a distance of Four Hundred <br /> Sixty-eight and Seventy-three Hundredths (468.73) feet to the South line <br /> of the St. Joseph County Airport; thence South 89° 59' 38" East on and <br /> along the South line of said St. Joseph County Airport a distance of <br /> Four Hundred Thirty-nine and Ten Hundredths (439.10) feet; thence South <br /> 0° 18' 51" West a distance of Four Hundred Seventy and Sixty-five <br /> Hundredths (470.65) feet to the North line of Progress Drive; thence <br /> North 89° 40' 09" West a distance of Four Hundred Thirty-nine and <br /> Seventy-one Hundredths (439.71) feet to the point of beginning. <br /> as an Economic Revitalization Area; and <br /> WHEREAS, notice of the adoption of a Declaratory Resolution <br /> and the public hearing before the Council has been published pursuant <br /> to Indiana Code 6-1.1-12.1-2-5; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Council held a public hearing for the purposes <br /> of hearing all remonstrances and objections from interested persons; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the qualifications <br /> for an economic revitalization area have been met. <br /> NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Cocoon Council of the <br /> Cith of South Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br /> SECTION I. That the Common Council hereby confirms its <br /> Declaratory Resolution designating the area described herein as an <br /> Economic Revitalization Area for the purposes of tax abatement. Such <br /> designation is for real property tax abatement only and is limited to five <br /> (5) calendar years from the date of adoption of the Declaratory Resolution <br /> by the Common Council. <br /> SECTION II. This Resolution shall be in full force and <br /> effect from and after its adoption by the Common Council and approval <br /> by the Mayor. <br /> FILED DI CLERK'S OFFIC a,_ <br /> .:� of the . .. oun it <br /> HUG 2 2 1984 <br /> PRESENTER \o -j7-e� Irene Gammon <br /> NOT APPROVED CIT1 CLERK,SOUTH MEND,IN9. <br /> ADOPTED 8 - e� <br />
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