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RESOLUTION NO. 1287-85 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, COMMENDING <br /> VAL MAXWELL ST. CHARLES OF VISIONS FOR HIS <br /> CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE COMMUNITY THROUGH HIS <br /> WEEKLY COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TELEVISION PROGRAM <br /> WHEREAS, the Cannon Council recognizes that in 1984 a new <br /> community affairs program entitled VISIONS began broadcasting; and <br /> WHEREAS, Val Maxwell St. Charles produces and hosts the weekly <br /> program; and <br /> WHEREAS, VISIONS is designed as a forum for community affairs and <br /> public service issues focusing on the arts, lifestyles, business and <br /> community events, movie reviews, music, and public affairs; and <br /> WHEREAS, Mr. St. Charles has developed a reputation of being a <br /> true professional and a very effective interviewer and producer of this <br /> local program; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Council believes that the hard work and effort of Mr. <br /> St. Charles on this public affairs access television program which is <br /> produced locally at Heritage Cablevision Studios, deserves public <br /> recognition. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Cannon Council of the City <br /> of South Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br /> SECTION I. The Cannon Council wishes to commend VAL MAXWELL ST. <br /> CHARLES for his work in the television production of the weekly public <br /> access program entitled VISIONS. <br /> SECTION II. The Council believes that such a broad-based <br /> community forum provides a unique opportunity to our community's <br /> television audience to see and hear a multitude of community and public <br /> service programs. <br /> SECTION III. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect <br /> from and atter its adoption by the Common Council and approval by the <br /> Mayor. <br /> Member of the Cans m1Co'uncil <br /> PRESENTED t.5---/3- 7s <br /> NOT APPROVED <br /> ADOPTED c i3-(Fa" <br />