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Landscaping: <br /> No landscaping requirements for building(s),PUD site or parking areas other than as follows: <br /> A. South side of Building # 113,Minimum of Six(6)over-story deciduous/evergreen trees,or ten <br /> (10)Ornamental trees and 40 deciduous/evergreen shrubs. <br /> B. Providing a minimum of five(5)over-story deciduous trees along the Lafayette Boulevard <br /> frontage of the parking garage structure placed on site or in grass lawn are in street right-of-way <br /> with permission from City. <br /> C. Providing over-story deciduous/evergreen trees along the south façade of the parking garage at a <br /> maximum spacing of 80 ft. on center. <br /> D. Interior parking landscape islands shall be provided for permitted uses,with the exception of no <br /> landscape islands required for surface parking lot located in area of parking garage structure. <br /> Interior parking islands where provided shall have a minimum planting area width of 7ft.and 18 <br /> ft. in length and shall contain at least one deciduous over-story tree and provided at a rate of one <br /> island per 30 parking spaces. <br /> Lighting: <br /> All lighting for this PUD shall be as required by City ordinances. <br /> Signs: <br /> As permitted for Integrated Centers within the"GB"General Business District.Any additional increase <br /> shall not be allowed without proper approval as required by South Bend Zoning sign ordinances. <br /> Parking and Loading: <br /> A. All interior parking lots/driveways shown shall be paved with a durable,hard dust-free surface. <br /> B. All provided on-site parking spaces shall be a minimum of 9 ft.wide by 19 ft. in length,with the <br /> exception of small car spaces which can be a minimum of 16 length and 9 ft.wide. A <br /> maximum of 25%of the provided parking spaces may be small car spaces.All interior two-way <br /> (2)driveways shall be a minimum of 22 ft.wide as shown. A minimum 8 ft.wide Parking setback <br /> along public streets shall be required. <br /> C. Off-street parking shall be provided at the following ratios: <br /> 1. Commercial Uses: 3 parking spaces per 1,000 sq.ft.of gross floor area; <br /> 2. Inside Storage areas; 1 space per 25,000 sq.ft.of gross floor area for said use; <br /> 3. No required parking spaces for any outside storage areas; <br /> 4. Professional office use,Office use: 3 spaces per 1,000 sq.ft.of gross floor area for said use; <br /> 5. Higher Education/School; I space per employee,plus 1 space per every 15 students based on <br /> maximum design capacity; <br /> 6. Experimental Learning Center; 10 parking spaces,plus 1 space for every 500 sq.ft.above <br /> 3,000 sq.ft.; <br /> 7. Early Childhood Learning Center: I space per employee,plus 3 spaces per 10,000 sq.ft.of <br /> gross floor area; <br /> 8. Shop Space; 1 space per 10,000 sq.ft.of gross floor area; <br /> 9. Fitness Center;5 parking spaces per 1,000 sq.ft.of gross floor area with an allowed 60% <br /> reduction during the day per(Table 21-07-04c from City Zoning Code as amended); <br /> 10. Book Store;5 parking spaces per 1,000 sq.ft. of gross floor area with an allowed 60% <br /> reduction during the day per(Table 21-07-04c from City Zoning Code as amended); <br /> 11. Maker Innovation Space;3 parking spaces per 1,000 sq.ft.of gross floor area; <br /> 12. Residential Units: I space per unit; <br /> 13. Data Center; 1 parking spaces per 10,000 sq.ft.of gross floor area; <br />