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Staff Report 9/4/2015 <br /> State statutes and the South Bend Zoning Ordinance require that certain standards must be <br /> met before a variance or Special Exception Use can be approved. <br /> The Special Exception Use is for Food Sales and Services and Personal Services. <br /> A special exception use may only be granted based upon the evidence presented at a <br /> public hearing, that: <br /> (1)The proposed use will not be injurious to the public health, safety, comfort, community <br /> moral standards, convenience or general welfare. This site has previously been used as a <br /> church. The proposed Special Exception Uses are low-impact uses appropriate for a <br /> major corridor and should not generate additional traffic to the site. <br /> (2) The proposed use will not injure or adversely affect the use of the adjacent area or <br /> property values therein. The property was previously used for non-residential uses. With <br /> proper screening, adjacent properties should not be adversely impacted. <br /> (3)The proposed use will be consistent with the character of the district in which it is <br /> located and the land uses authorized therein. The proposed use is an adaptive reuse of an <br /> existing building. No major modifications are planned that would change the character of <br /> the area. <br /> (4)The proposed use is compatible with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> The comprehensive plan encourages a compatible mix of uses in the community. <br /> The variances are as follows: <br /> 1. from the required landscaping of required perimeter yards to 2 evergreen trees and 1 <br /> deciduous shade tree along the north property line and 3 deciduous shade trees on the <br /> south property line; and <br /> 2. from the required off-street parking area screening on the north, east, and west property <br /> lines to the existing 6' privacy fence. <br /> (1)The approval will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general <br /> welfare of the community. The proposed privacy fence will provide the full screening <br /> buffer intended in the ordinance. The reduction in landscaping will not be injurious to the <br /> public health and safety. <br /> (2)The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not <br /> be affected in a substantially adverse manner. The amount of proposed landscaping is <br /> sufficient for the size of this site. The 6'privacy fence will screen the parking lot from the <br /> surrounding properties. <br /> (3) The strict application of the terms of the zoning ordinance will result in practical <br /> difficulties in the use of the property. Due to its small size and dual-frontage, strict <br /> application of the ordinance would make the site difficult to develop. <br /> Recommendation: <br /> Based on information available prior to the public hearing, staff recommends that the <br /> rezoning petition and Special Exception Use be sent to the Common Council with a <br /> favorable recommendation. Staff recommends approval of both variances. <br /> Analysis: <br /> Eddy Street(S.R. 23) is a heavily traveled arterial corridor. Rezoning this site to OB <br /> APC# 2751-15 Page 3 of 4 <br />