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Data-Link ' s payroll with an initial increase in its annual payroll of <br /> approximately Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000) , <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br /> Indiana, resolves as follows: <br /> 1 . The project constitutes economic development facilities <br /> which shall be financed by the City through the issuance of revenue <br /> bonds pursuant to the Act and the City is willing, upon compliance <br /> with all provisions of Indiana law, to authorize approximately One <br /> Million Dollars ( $1,000,000) of its revenue bonds, which bonds will <br /> not be general obligations to the City but will be payable solely from <br /> the limited sources authorized and permitted by the Act. <br /> 2 . The proposed financing will be of benefit to the economic <br /> welfare of the City and will comply with the purposes and provisions <br /> of the Act. <br /> 3 . The Company may proceed with expansion and equipping of <br /> the economic development facilities in reliance upon this resolution. <br /> 4 . That the liability and obligation of the South Bend <br /> Economic Development Commission, the South Bend Common Council and the <br /> City of South Bend, Indiana, shall be limited solely to the good faith <br /> efforts to consummate such proceedings and issue such Bonds, and the <br /> South Bend Economic Development Commission and the City of South Bend, <br /> Indiana, their officers and agents, shall not incur any liability if <br /> for any reason the proposed issuance of such Bonds is not consummated, <br /> This Inducement Resolution shall be in force and effect from <br /> and after its adoption by the Common Council and approval by the <br /> Mayor. FILED IN CLERK'S OF#10E <br /> PRESENTED if-2-g-5- APP 3 1985 <br /> NOT APPROVED Irene Gammon <br /> Member of t5Common Council <br /> ADOPTED V-2-8,5- CITY CLERK,SOUTNBEN" <br /> DATED: this _ day of _ , 1985 <br />