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WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the quali- <br /> fications for an economic revitalization area have been met . <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council <br /> of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as follows : <br /> SECTION I . That the Common Council hereby confirms <br /> its Declaratory Resolution designating the area described here- <br /> in as an Economic Revitalization Area for the purposes of tax <br /> abatement. Such designation is for real property tax abatement <br /> only and is limited to five (5) calendar years from the date of <br /> adoption of the Declaratory Resolution by the Common Council . <br /> SECTION II . This Resolution shall be in full force <br /> and effect from and after its adoption by the Common Council <br /> and approval by the Mayor . <br /> m et- of the Co n Council <br /> FILED IN CLERK'S OFFICE <br /> SEP 4 1985 <br /> PRESENTED , 9— 9-may IRENE GAMMON <br /> NOT APPROVED CITY CLERK, SO. BEND, IN <br /> ADOPTED :"9- 9_8S- -2- <br />