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sEir S <br /> Chief add1ëSses gun violence <br /> By Erin Blasko inal increase in horni- action needs to be tak- to the violence. <br /> South Bend Tribune cides from this time last en to restrict the flow "That's right, they're <br /> year," Teachman said. of illegal guns into the desensitized, and they <br /> SOUTH BEND — "But when you look at community and to need to be sensitized," <br /> Police Chief Ron Teach- the data, we are encour- make it more difficult Teachman said. <br /> man addressed the aged that the Group Vi- for violent offenders to To that end, he said, <br /> Common Council on olence Initiative is hav- bond out of jail. police make an effort to <br /> the issue of gun vio- ing an impact." "What's discouraging, reach out to residents <br /> lence Monday in light of He noted that homi- quite honestly, to all of when violence occurs, <br /> a recent uptick in homi- cides are "not a very us in law enforcement to establish relation- <br /> cides in the city. accurate indicator of ...... is a bond schedule ships and build trust. <br /> Ten homicides were violence in a given city," 'that allows people to As a result, he said, <br /> committed in the city but rather "a function buy their way out of jail residents have become <br /> between January and of marksmanship and after committing a vio- more confident that if <br /> mid-June, compared emergency services." lent offense or being ap- they call, police will re- <br /> with 17 all of last year, "It's a matter of where prehended with a gun spond. <br /> despite efforts to ad- the bullet strikes and illegally," he said. That is reflected in <br /> dress gang-related gun how quickly the vic- The community also ShotSpotter data, he <br /> violence via a Group Vi- tim is given emergency has a role to play, he said, which shows that <br /> olence Initiative. medical care," he said. said. residents report gunfire <br /> "We've seen a de- At the same time, the "Every murder, every at a rate of about 33 <br /> crease in gang-related county Metro Homicide non-fatal shooting has percent now, compared <br /> gun violence," council Unit solves homicides a narrative that preced- with about 11 percent <br /> member Karen White, at a rate "way above the ed it where the shooter last June. <br /> D-at large, said. "Howev- national average," he indicated his intention "Still anemic, but <br /> er, we have experienced said. to shoot ... and no one it's showing progress," <br /> a number of homicides "However, solving calls" police, he said. Teachman said. <br /> in recent months ... How homicides is not satisfy- Council member Hen- <br /> do we address that?" ing," he said. "Prevent- ry Davis Jr., for his part, eblasko <br /> "You are correct that ing a homicide is." suggested residents 574-235-6187 <br /> we are seeing a nom- To that end, he said, have become "numb" @ErinBlasko <br />