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6- Lu1/4)0 . E17-1 r <br /> Bill No. <br /> Ordinance No. -15 <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br /> INDIANA,AMENDING CHAPTERS 6, 17 AND 18 OF THE SOUTH BEND <br /> MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCLUDE NEW RULES,REGULATIONS,AND SERVICE <br /> CHARGES FOR VARIOUS PERMITS AND REVIEWS IN CONNECTION WITH <br /> STORMWATER CONTROL AND CONSTRUCTION IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. <br /> STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br /> Chapters 17 and 18 of the South Bend Municipal Code (the Code) contain sections <br /> involving oversight and supervisory duties of the City of South Bend Board of Public Works <br /> through the City's Department of Public Works, and the charge of fees for these Public Works <br /> services. <br /> Chapter 6, Article 1. Section 4.1 of the Code, covers reasonable fees for petitions filed <br /> with the Board of Zoning Appeals, which petitions involve the City Public Works Department's <br /> review of drainage and downspout engineering designs to determine if they comply with City <br /> regulations. No fee is presently charged for this Public Works Department service. <br /> The purpose of this ordinance is to authorize the City's Public Works Department and <br /> Engineering Division to charge certain reasonable fees to recover the costs of providing certain <br /> services to persons requesting roadway excavations; construction or repair of sidewalks, curbs, <br /> gutters, driveways, alleys and roadways; barricade permits; and for drainage and downspout <br /> engineering design review. <br /> At this time when property tax revenues do not and cannot keep pace with costs of <br /> furnishing local governmental services, it is equitable that persons who require City oversight <br /> and supervision for building, construction and similar rights of way projects, directly defray the <br /> costs for the time and expenses of the City's furnishing its expertise and services. This ordinance <br /> addresses, and is necessary and proper,to support the City's fiscal needs. <br /> Now, Therefore, Be It Ordained by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br /> Indiana as follows: <br /> Section I. Chapter 6, Article 1, Section 6-4.1 of the South Bend Municipal Code shall be <br /> amended by adding the following new subsection(6)which shall read in its entirety as follows: • <br /> f_6_1 Engineering Design Review Fees: <br /> a. Downspout/Drainage Disconnection Check: Field check to determine whether building <br /> or site discharges stormwater through pipe conveyance into City sewer system. <br /> (1) Confirmed Disconnect exempt <br /> 1 <br />