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Staff Report 8/7/2015 <br /> plazas, and car lots. The area between Mayflower Road and Hollywood Boulevard, <br /> bordered by Western Avenue and Sample Street have remained predominantly residential, <br /> with the exception of the properties along Western Avenge and Sample Street,which have <br /> developed as commercial. A tavern also exists on the southwest corner of Mayflower <br /> Road and Huron Street. <br /> 3. Most Desirable Use: <br /> The most desirable use for this site is one that expands and promotes the commerce along <br /> Western Avenue,while limiting any negative impact to the residential properties to the <br /> south and west. <br /> 4. Conservation of Property Values: <br /> Due to the extensive existing and proposed screening in the form of landscaping and <br /> fencing, surrounding property values should not be adversely affected. <br /> 5. Responsible Development And Growth: <br /> It is responsible growth and development to allow the expansion of the Western Avenue <br /> Commercial Corridor in this natural progression. <br /> Staff Comments: <br /> This is a combined public hearing procedure, which includes a rezoning and ten variances <br /> from the development standards. The Commission will forward the rezoning to the <br /> Common Council with or without a recommendation and either approve or deny the <br /> variances. <br /> The variances are as follows: <br /> 1) From the required MinimunResidential Bufferyard of 20'to 12'for parking on the <br /> south and east property lines as shown; <br /> 2) Fronthe requirement that outdoor seating shall not be located between a building line <br /> and a residentiabufferyard to allow for outdoor seating between the south building line <br /> and the south residentiabufferyard; <br /> 3) From the maximum height of 36" in height for a fence located in a minimum front yard <br /> J 6' in height for fence along Hollywood Boulevard; <br /> 4) From the required screening of trasleontainers to none; <br /> 5) From the requirement that trash containers not be located between the fronfacade of <br /> the primary building and the front lot line to allowing trash containers between the west <br /> acade of the primary building and the front(west) lot line; <br /> 6) From the required"bail out"lane for diive through facilities to none; <br /> 7)From the required landscaping of required perimeter yards andesidential bufferyards <br /> to landscaping as shown on the site plan; <br /> 8) From the required foundatiodandscaping to landscaping as shown on the site plan; <br /> 9) From the required off-street parking areacreening to none on the east, west, or south <br /> parking areas; and <br /> 10) From the required no off-streetoading between the front lot line and the front facade <br /> to allowing loading spaces between front(west)ot line and the west building facade. <br /> APC # 2747-15 Page 3 of 4 <br />