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, , <br /> transpo <br /> 2016 OPERATING BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS <br /> REVENUES: <br /> Federal. State. and Local: Given past and continued success in securing adequate <br /> capital funds through Federal Capital Grants for major capital projects that are becoming <br /> less common. Transpo is able to continue to avail ourselves of annual federal capital <br /> formula grant funds toward preventative maintenance and operating assistance, such <br /> funds available to the operations budget. In 2016, the State of Indiana has fixed PMTF <br /> rate for the next two years and has made it a line item in the State's Budget. We based <br /> the 2016 PMTF revenue on 2015 actual approved budget. This caused our budget <br /> figure to be increase by $100,401 from the 2015 budget. Property Tax revenue was <br /> budgeted at$39,858 increase from the prior year. <br /> Ridership and Leases: Farebox revenues from regular services include a slight <br /> increase from our.2015 budgeted levels. The revenue increase is due to slight change <br /> in the fare structure in 2015 eliminating transfers. Transpo Access has realized an <br /> increase in ridership since 2008 and is expected to continue this trend in future years <br /> EXPENSES: <br /> Employee Wages and Benefits: For 2016, Transpo budgeted, a slight increase in <br /> wages for employees. Employee benefits reflect an estimated 10.86% increase over <br /> 2015. This increase is mainly due to an estimated increase of fifteen percent in health <br /> insurance premiums and other employee benefits outlined in the collective bargaining <br /> agreement and contingencies for future premiums given their historical trends. <br /> Vehicular and Operating: Vehicular and other insurances costs decreased slightly <br /> from the 2015 budget. Diesel fuel has been budgeted at an average of$3.09 per gallon <br /> and gasoline at $2.50 per gallon. Starting in 2016, Transpo will have all sixteen fixed <br /> route CNG vehicles providing service. Transpo budgeted a decrease, in its overall fuel <br /> cost, of $219,707. This decrease in fuel expenses should continue to as more of fixed <br /> route vehicles are converted to CNG. <br /> Utilities: Utility costs were budgeted with an increased from the 2015 forecasted levels. <br /> Marketing: Marketing contracts, services, and advertising placement accounts have not <br /> been changed from 2015 budgeted figures. <br /> 4 <br />