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Cover Letter to the South Bend Municipal ID Card Program Ordinance <br /> April 7,2015 <br /> Page 2 <br /> • Using the ID card for identification purposes for City of South Bend recreational and <br /> cultural programs if identification is needed or required. <br /> As noted in the proposed ordinance, we have studied many of the other City ID card programs, <br /> which have been successfully launched in other communities. Some of those programs,in addition <br /> to the positive items highlighted above, have coordinated with other organizations, non-profits, <br /> and financial institutions to develop additional special features such as having other entities <br /> recognize the City ID for identification purposes; and having debit and/or credit features. <br /> The proposed ordinance is patterned after several of the provisions included in ordinances in the <br /> California communities, noting that the San Francisco ordinance was upheld when it was <br /> constitutionally challenged. Unlike the program in New York City which is estimated to cost the <br /> city approximately$8.4 million in its first year of operation, the proposed South Bend Municipal <br /> ID Card Program challenges the City Administration to work with the Common Council and our <br /> community residents, organizations, and businesses in developing a program which would be <br /> operated at minimal or no net cost to the City, its departments, bureaus, or our taxpayers. <br /> Developing and having a secure South Bend Municipal ID Card program is also extremely <br /> important. You will find attached information from the Consulate of Mexico regarding the security <br /> provisions which they use for their Consular ID Cards. The proposed ordinance calls for the South <br /> Bend Municipal ID Card to be developed in such a way as to minimize fraud, counterfeit <br /> reproduction, and also be secured from electronic pickpocketing devices(EP)which are beginning <br /> to create significant identification security problems. <br /> The proposed ordinance sets forth basic standards which will require close collaboration with the <br /> City Administration, the public, and the Council in order to be successful. It calls for the sharing <br /> of additional detailed information regarding how the program would be paid for as well as <br /> recommended fees which would be charged to applicants. A future Council Resolution would be <br /> required for actual implementation of a South Bend Municipal ID Card Program. Such a <br /> Resolution would be filed by the City Administration which would trigger a date certain for <br /> implementation of such a program which would be at minimal or no net cost to the City. In <br /> summary, the proposed ordinance would address: <br /> 1. Definitions. <br /> 2. Purposes of a South Bend Municipal ID Card Program. <br /> 3. Terms and Conditions Before Program Implementation and Issuance of ID Cards. <br /> 4. Application Process. <br /> 5. Implementation Process and Program Information to be Posted on City's Website. <br /> 6. Fees. <br /> 7. Proof of Residency for City Services and Programs; Pre-Emption. <br /> 8. South Bend Municipal ID Card Holder's Responsibilities. <br />