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vehicle; but such vehicle shall not be permitted to solicit <br /> business in the City of South Bend or otherwise operate within said <br /> City without license under the provisions of this Ordinance. Each <br /> applicant for a taxicab license must comply with the following con- <br /> ditions and obligations: <br /> (a) If an individual or partnership, each to be a citi- <br /> zen of the United States of Americanor have declared its in- <br /> tention so to become within six (6) years next preceding such <br /> application; <br /> (b) Be of the age of Twenty-one (21) years or over in case <br /> of individuals, and in ease of a corporation, be authorized to <br /> operate taxicabs and carry on such business in accordance with <br /> the laws of the State of Indiana; <br /> (c) Obtain a license for each and every such vehicle or ve- <br /> hicles to be operated; <br /> (d) Fill out, upon a blank form to be provided by the City <br /> Controller, a statement describing each vehicle to be licensed, <br /> 'giving the full name and address of the owner or owners, legal <br /> and equitable', the make, type, motor number, age and capacity of <br /> the vehicle for which a license is desired, whether said vehicle <br /> is leased or rented to the driver and upon what basis it is <br /> operated, whether any insurance against public liability, personal <br /> injury or property damage is carried and, if so, in what amount; <br /> all of which date shall be sworn to and signed by the individual <br /> seeking the license, if a person; if a partnership, by one of the <br /> partners; and if, a corporation, by an executive officer thereof. <br /> Nothing in this ordinance, however, shall-be construed so as toeprohibit <br /> a person, firm or corporation from Operating a taxicab purchased under a <br /> title contract or plan offinancing, where the title thereto, for the pur- <br /> pose of security only, vests in some other person, firm, or corporation. <br /> SECTION 11. - TAXICAB LICENSE FEE. - Every applicant applying for a <br /> taxicab license shall, before receiving same, pay into the City Treasury <br /> to <br /> the sum of ,Pttir,-6 , Dollars ($ S ) for each and every vehicle to <br /> be so licensed. All licenses shall run from January 1st to December <br /> 31st of each year, and no rebate or apportionment for any fractional <br /> part of a. year shall be repaid to the licensee. <br /> ,SECTION 12. - PENALTY. - Any person, firm or corporation who <br /> fails to comply with any of the provisions of Section 10 and 11 of <br /> this Ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not <br /> exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or imprisonment for not ex- <br /> - 6 - <br />