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SECTION pO. - FURTHEi3 REQUIREMENTS. - The Board of Public <br /> fr - <br /> Safety shall have the power to make and adopt such rules and regula- <br /> tions, in addition to, but only in furtherance of and consistent with, <br /> those specifically mentioned herein as shall be in its judgment and <br /> discretion necessary and proper for safety in .the operation of taxi- <br /> cabs regulated bythis ordinance. <br /> SECTION ILL - TOBACCO. - No taxicab driver shall use tobacco <br /> in any form during the time he is operating a taxicab with passengers <br /> therein. <br /> SECTION 32. - PENALTY. - Any person, firm or corporation <br /> violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, for which a specific <br /> penalty has not heretofore been provided, shall, upon conviction there- <br /> x <br /> on, be punished by a fine not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars (e300.00), <br /> or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period not to exeeed Three <br /> (3) ,months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day that the <br /> terms and provisions of this ordinance are violated by such person <br /> firm or corporation, as to driving or operating taxicabs without license <br /> or bond or insurance, shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. <br /> SECTION 33. - REPEALS. - All Ordinances or parts of ordinances <br /> in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. <br /> SECTION '>4. - INVALIDITY. - If any section, sub-section, sentence, <br /> clause or phrase of this ordinance if for any reason held to be un- <br /> constitutional or otherwise invalid by any court of competent juris- <br /> diction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remain- <br /> ing portions hereof. \, .: <br /> SECTION 35. - EFFECTIVE DATE. - This Ordinance shall be in <br /> full force and effect from and after its passage and legal publication. <br /> NEVE OF -♦ ou S ' Oil <br /> $\•t4 <br />