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a card or placard, plainly legible, showing the rates of fare under <br /> which said taxicab is operated; and the owner, driver or licensee <br /> in charge of said taxicab shall not demand, nor be entitled to re- <br /> ceive, any par for the conveyance of any passengers unless said card <br /> bearing said rates of fare shall be conspicuously displayed as here- <br /> inbefore provided; nor shall said owner, driver or licensee charge or <br /> collect a rate of fare greater than that revealed on said placard or <br /> sign. Each taximeter installed in each licensed taxicab shall be set <br /> in accordance with the rates of fare advertised and displayed on said <br /> placard or sign inside said cab, and not otherwise. <br /> SECTION 19. - DRIVERS SHALL NOT DECEIVE. - It shall be unlawful <br /> for any person owning or driving any taxicab to deceive, misinform or <br /> mislead any passenger who may ride in such vehicle, or who may desire <br /> to ride in such vehicle, as to his destination or the price to be charged <br /> for conveying such passenger; and any person owning or driving any taxi- <br /> cab, who shall overcharge a passenger, or charge a passenger in excess <br /> of the rate of fare as indicated on the taximeter, if a taximeter is <br /> placed therein and the taxi hired by mileage, and on the card or <br /> sign displayed inside of the said cab, shall be deemed guilty of a <br /> violation of this ordinance and shall be subject to the panalty of <br /> revocation of his license in addition to any other penalty that the <br /> law may impose upon him. <br /> SECTION 20. - RECEIPTS FOR FARES. - The owner or driver of any <br /> licensed taxicab shal10111ftmearMq deliver to the person paying <br /> for the hire of the same, at the time of such payment, areceipt for <br /> the fare so paid, which receipt shall contain a legible type or writ- <br /> ing or print the name of the owner, the name and license number of <br /> the driver,, the amount of the fare paid and the date of the payment. <br /> SECTION 21. - pRIVER MUST CONVEY. - Bo driver of a,licensed <br /> taxicab shall refuse or neglect to convey any orderly person or per- <br /> sons, within the capacity of his taxicab, upon request anywhere <br /> within the city, unless previously engaged or unable to do so, pro- <br /> vided such person or persons agree to pay the fare fixed for the <br /> operation of said taxicab. No driver of a licensed taxicab shall <br /> carry any other person than the person first employing the taxicab <br /> - 9 - <br />