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.,.5_ <br /> stantial and safe. Poles and supports for said wires, when lo- <br /> cated in the street, shall be placed adjacent to the curb fins of <br /> the street. Consent and permission is also given to the Railroad <br /> to sonnsot its said wine with its power houses, stations, sob- <br /> stations, transmission lines and sources of electric supply. <br /> Section 4. The Railroad may make all necessary openings <br /> in said streets, alleys, roads and biglways for the purposes afore- <br /> said and when making such openings and oorstruo.tion or repairing <br /> its tracks on and across said streets, alleys, roads.. and highways, <br /> it shall by signed and otherwise do all things necessary to protect <br /> the public from injury, and to prevent any injury to persons or to <br /> property, and shall save and hold harmless said City from all dam- <br /> ages, costs and expenses shies said City shall be compelled to pay <br /> as the result of any default, carelessness or neglect of the Rail- <br /> road in the oonstra4tion, maintenance and operation of its tracks <br /> on and across said streets, as hereby authorized and permitted, <br /> provided, however, that said lity shall promptly notify the Railroad <br /> of any suit brought against said City. <br /> Seaton S. This agreement shall oanstitute an ingots:- <br /> mi$ate permit under and pursuant to the terms and provisions of the <br /> Publie Serviee Commission Law of the state of Indiana, and in the <br /> event of the repeal of said law this agroomont snail extend for and <br /> during the term of twenty-five (Ss) years from and alter the date <br /> that the repeal thereof becomes efieotivs. <br /> Section S. This agreement and all of its terms and pro- <br /> visions shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of ties parties <br /> hereto and their successors and assigns respectively, and shall be <br />