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ORDINANCE NO. fro <br /> AN ORDINAINCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION, EXAM- <br /> INATION AND LIGENSINGTOF PLUMBING CONTRA: ORS <br /> AND RfALING SECTII 22 6F ORDINANCE <br /> N0. 1880 ADOPTED marlim, 1917. <br /> BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of South <br /> Bend, Indiana: <br /> Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, <br /> partnership or corporation to engage in the business of plumbing contractor <br /> until such person, firm, partnership or corporation shall have first se- <br /> cured a license therefor in accordance with the provisions of this <br /> ordinance. <br /> Section 2. The Board of Health of said City of South Bend is <br /> hereby authorized and empowered to appoint an examining board consisting <br /> of one ( 1) duly licensed plumbing contractor, one ( 1) qualified and <br /> competent journeyman plumber and the plumbing inspector of said city. <br /> Said Board shall meet at least once each thirty (30) days or oftener <br /> if in the judgment of the Secretary of the Board of Health it is deemed <br /> advisable. Said- Examining Board shall hold office doting the pleasure <br /> of the Board of Health and until its successor is appointed and qualified. <br /> Section 3. Any person, firm, partnership or corporation desiring <br /> to secure a license as a plumbing contractor, commonly known as master <br /> plumber, shall make application therefor upon a form to be provided by <br /> the Board of Health; provided, however, that in case of a firm, partnership <br /> or corporation such application maybe made by a duly authorized and desig- <br /> nated agent of such firm, partnership or corporation. At the time of mak- <br /> ing such application said applicant shall pay to the Board of Health the <br /> :Aum of .Five ($5.00) Dollars as a fee for the examination. Thereafter at <br /> a time, and place designated by the Board of Health said applicant shall <br /> submit himself before the Examining Board herein provided for, and <br /> answer such questions as may be asked of him by said Board or any member <br /> thereof relative to the knowledge required by a plumbing contractor. <br /> If said applicant properly answers sufficient questions to qualify 1.011 <br /> in the judgment of said examining board to be a plumbing contractor, <br /> then said board shall report their findings in writing to the Board <br /> of Health. Any applicant who has failed to pass <br /> -1- <br />