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iu <br />1. Services -- Personal <br />11. <br />Salaries and wages, regular <br />3,480.00 <br />12. <br />Salaries and Wages, temporary <br />150.00 <br />2. Services -- Contractual <br />21. <br />Communication and Transportation <br />211. Freight, Express and Drayage <br />5.00 <br />212. Postage <br />10.00 <br />22. <br />Heeit, Light, Power and Water <br />221. Furnishing Electric Current <br />115.00 <br />222. Furnishing Gas <br />25.00 <br />223. Furnishing Heat <br />80.00 <br />25. <br />Repairs <br />252. Repairs of Equipment <br />5.00 <br />3. Supplies <br />34. <br />Institutional and Medical <br />342. Laundry and Cleaning <br />360.00 <br />343. Medical, Surgical and Dental <br />750.00 <br />36, <br />Office Supplies <br />25.00 <br />38. <br />Supplies, General <br />10.00 <br />7, Properties <br />72. <br />Equipment <br />722. Instruments -- Medical, Surgical <br />and Laboratory <br />55.00 <br />Total - - - - - - - - - -- - - - <br />- - - - - 5,070.00 <br />TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND CHARITIES 41,950.00 <br />TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS YEAR 1931 <br />l:r_359,969.00 <br />