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Detailed Classification <br />Cemetery Department <br />1. Services -- Personal <br />11. Salaries and Wages, regular 8,000.00 <br />2. Services -- Contractual <br />21. Communication and Transportation <br />211. Freight, Express and Drayage 195.00 <br />212. Postage 35000 <br />25. Repairs <br />252. Repairs of Equipment 1,500.00 <br />3. Supplies <br />32. Fuel and Ice <br />321. Coal 40.00, <br />36. Office 75.00 <br />38. Supplies, General 1,550.00 <br />Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 111395.00 <br />TOTAL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY <br />Detailed Classification <br />Office of Board of Public Safety <br />1. Services -- Personal <br />11. Salaries and Wages, regular <br />(3) Board Members <br />Clerk <br />Surgeon <br />Stenographer <br />2. Services -- Contractual <br />21. Communication and Transportation <br />216. Traveling Expenses <br />»lOw <br />$487,884.00 <br />3,600.00 <br />1,800.00 <br />800.00 <br />300.00 <br />150.00' <br />