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F'iFZ'fi. At the. termination of this lease, by lapse of <br />time or otherwise, to yield up immediate possession to said <br />party of the first part, and failing so to do, to pay as liqui- <br />dated damages, for the whole time suoh.possession 1s withheld, <br />the suss of <br />per day; but the provisions of this clause shall not be hold <br />as a waiver Oy said first party of any right of re -entry as <br />hereinafter set forth; nor shall: the receipt of said rent or <br />any part thereof, or any other act in apparent affirmanoe of <br />tenanoy, operate as a waiver of the right to forfeit this lease <br />and the term hereby granted for the period still unexpired, for <br />any breach of any of the covenants herein. <br />IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREED, between the parties hersto, <br />that if default be made in the paymsnt of., the rent above re -. <br />served or any part thereof, or in any of the.covenants and <br />agreements herein contained, to be kept by the party of the <br />second part, it shall be lawful for the party of the first part <br />or the legal representatives of said party, at any time there- <br />after, at the.eleotion of said first party, or the legal repre- <br />sentatives thereof, without notice, to declare said term ended, <br />and to re- enter said demised premise*, or any part thereof, <br />'either with or without process of law, and the said party of <br />the second part or any person or persons occupying the same, to <br />repel, remove and put out, using such force as may be necessary <br />so to do, and the said premises again to repossess and enjoy, <br />at this demise, without prejudice to any remedies which might <br />otherwise be used for arrears or rent or preceding breach of <br />covenants. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED, by the parties hereto, that after <br />the servioe of notice, or the commencement of a suit, or after <br />=3- <br />