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L E A s E <br />THIS INDENTURE, Made this day of <br />1930, between JOSEPH SOHRIEIWGER, party of the fi t part, and <br />THE MUNIOIPAL OITX OF SOUTH BEND, by and through its Board of <br />Public works, party of the second part, WITNESSETH <br />That the party of the first part, for and in oonsidera- <br />tion`of the covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to <br />be kept and patformed by the party of the second part, has de- <br />raised and leased to the party of the second part, the premises <br />in the Oity of South Bend, Oounty of St. Joseph and State of <br />Indiana, known and described as follows: <br />Lots,Numbered'four -(4)$ five (6) and six (0) in the Original <br />Plat of the Town of Lowell, now a part of the City of South <br />Bend,' e.xcoting,thsrefrom a lot or parcel of land sixteen (19) <br />rode in length, taken off of and from the entire width of the <br />east end of said Lots, also, Lots two (S), three'(3) and four <br />(.4) , , as shown on . the retarded plat of Esther H. ,millet' 'Ae . sub. <br />division of a part of Lots four (4), five'(5)`and six (B) in <br />the Original Plat of the Town of Lowell, now a part of the <br />Otty of South -Bend, <br />to be occupied as a public parking place. <br />TO HAVE AND To HOLD the same, unto the party of the <br />second part from the let day of A. D. 1930, until: the <br />nth day of A. D. 1933,. And the party of the.ssoond part, <br />in consideration of .said devise, does covenant and agree with the <br />party of the first part as. follows; <br />FIRST., To pay as rent for said demised premises the <br />sum of Fifteen Thousand Six Hundred Dollars (615,BOO.00) pay- <br />able at the rate of Your Hundred Thirty -three and 33/100 Dollars <br />($433.33) per mouth, said payments to be made on the first day <br />of July and the first day of January of each year during the <br />life of said lease, as to any accrued and unpaid rent,_ pro- <br />vided,, however, that any unpaid rent shall be due and payable as <br />