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CONTRACT BET ?KEEN HENRY BEUTTER DOING BUSINESS <br />AS THE HOFF1 %%N COAL COMPANY AND THE BOARD OF <br />PUBLIC WORKS FOR A SINGLE TRACK SIDING ACROSS <br />KANKAME AVENUE. <br />THIS INSTRU EME WITNESSEM an agreement by and between Henry <br />Beutter, doing business as the Hoffman & Beutter Coal Company, in the <br />City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, first party, and the Board <br />of Public works, of South Bend, Indiana, second party, as follows ;to -wit: <br />WHEREAS, the said first party desires to construct and maintain <br />a single track siding across Kankakee Avenue, south of and. adjoining the <br />right -of -way of the New York Central Railroad Company, near the point <br />where Meade Street intersects Kankakee Avenue in said city, which tracks <br />are upon the right -of -way of said railroad company and the lands of the <br />said Hoffman & Beutter Coal Company, save and except the sane cross <br />Kankakee Avenue. <br />Now, this witnesseth, that said second party does hereby )grant <br />unto said first party the right to construct and maintain said side <br />track across the said Kankakee Avenue, and in consideration of said <br />grant, said first party contracts and agrees to carefully and properly <br />lay and maintain the said tracks across said Kankakee Avenue, at such <br />grade as the civil engineer of the said city may designate, and to, at all <br />times, maintain eitrer planks, or other material, as designated by said <br />city, on and along Kankakee Avenue, where crDssed by said side track, <br />and to keep said crossing (bpen at all times and upon failure so to do, <br />the said grant dhall become null and void at the option of said second <br />party, and at its request, said first party, will forthwith take up <br />and Yemove such side track. A blue print drawing of the territory <br />affected by this track is hereto attached and made a part hereof. <br />This contract shall not be effective until ratified and approved <br />by an oi�dinanre of the Common Council of said city. <br />?7ITNESS the hands and seals flf the parties hereto, this IIth <br />day of November 1930. <br />Henry Beutter, doing business as the <br />HOFMAN AND BEUTTER COAL COMPANY <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC VORKS <br />M. E. D ORAN <br />JOHN K. S140GOR <br />RALPH H. KUSS <br />