<br />Council Attorney Kathy pointed out that this portion will be for the Councilmembers only public
<br />hearing will be heard the third reading. This in the council portion only so deliberation will be in
<br />the third reading, for the record that was on May 12, 2014, where the public spoke.
<br />Councihnember Gavin Ferlic for the second substitute bill we took out the exemption for retail
<br />stores to level the playing field across all business, to make all a smoke free environment and
<br />included an implementation date of June 1, 2015 to allow businesses more time during the
<br />transition and a series workshops to assist organization through the transition so there is rationale
<br />behind the two amendments.
<br />Council Attorney this is for deliberation proper motions and comments for the Councilmembers.
<br />Councilman Scott- As a co- sponsor everyone knows where I stand, I know there is concern with
<br />businesses, like we've done in the past we've gone through deliberations and ways to help out
<br />businesses like we've done in the past.
<br />Councilmember Henry Davis- asked to defer
<br />Councilmember Dr. Ferlic- Last year, I had 10 positions in the health field talk about primary
<br />and secondary smoke, despite a combined experience of over 200 years we were unable to
<br />convince council to pass this particular ordinance, so I asked them not to come this year. The
<br />medical costs are astronomical, these billions dollars are better spent on youth education, the
<br />Turner programs, geriatrics. I treated thousands of patients with diagnosis associated with
<br />smoking, it very sad to see someone in the last moments of their life gasping for air. I think the
<br />proposal is logical and fair, especially with a 1 year transition period. There are also areas for
<br />awnings where they can step out and smoke. I know this is not easy but life is not easy.
<br />Councilmember Oliver Davis- I appreciate everyone that has shared over the last few weeks, not
<br />only do I have to look at the bars that are in my district but I have to look at value systems,
<br />health of all. Like I said, I do not smoke nor do I drink, nor do I believe that we need to go
<br />through the town and prevent people from drinking that too is a killer. I'm a vegetarian, there a
<br />difference of viewpoints on life, do we prevent you from your personal choices, but many of
<br />them we don't prevent you. Dr. Varner let out a recommendation stronger than the state. We are
<br />a twin city, I would like to see this in the whole county or not at all, we took this on two years
<br />ago, it should have started then. I advocate for fairness and the right for people to choose, I will
<br />not be for this.
<br />Councilmember Dr. Varner- As a healthcare practitioner for the last 37 years, if you ask me if
<br />smoking is good for you the answer is no. I don't smoke nor do I encourage anyone in my
<br />family to smoke, do I believe it is bad for you I say yes, if you ask me to legislate in to the death
<br />of everyone's life, everything that is bad for them, I think that is inappropriate. I want to thank
<br />Mr. Grove for the dilemma we face, can we and should be legislate every last detail of a person's
<br />life to the last detail. I appreciate the passion and efforts of everyone put in to it. Educate the
<br />young people, offer alternatives, but don't come to the legislation to ask for personal details, like
<br />the choice of smoke is. If there is second -hand smoke in the homes do we begin to take children
<br />out of their homes? Bars are labeled clearly now, you make the choice whether you go or don't
<br />go. I did not support this before and most likely will not be supporting now.
<br />Councilmember Dieter- I would like to thank Gavin Ferlic and Tim they put a lot of work in to it
<br />worrying about people's health is an advantageous thing to do, the bottom line when the smoke
<br />clears, this comes to two issues of the health of other people, and two the decision business
<br />owners make to run their own business. I am a product unfortunately of second -hand smoke, I
<br />woke up to that, when I got on the Police Department there was smoke everywhere full of
<br />smoke, I'm not debating second -hand smoke, but I can tell you I'm healthy. But I also can tell
<br />you that my grandmother and my father both died from smoking, for people who want to do that
<br />it's their choice of the bar owners and individuals if they want to do that. That's great for the
<br />different cities, I'm concerned of the businesses hear that have been in business for several years.
<br />Every employee who smoke or doesn't smoke stated they even if they didn't smoke they liked
<br />working at the bar, they liked the atmosphere, they liked the people. I appreciate all the
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