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REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 13, 2015 <br />you would be willing to walk with me through the 2 °d District to look at some of the areas that <br />are hit hard by poverty, joblessness... things that people suffer from in an impoverished state? <br />Mayor Buttigieg responded thank you for the invitation, I look forward to it. On the first <br />question I will have to look into that, as I am not familiar with the dynamics inside the company. <br />But any time there is an opportunity to make sure jobs in South Bend easy for people who live <br />here to get, that's positive. I would be very interested in exploring ways to support that. <br />Councilmember Davis responded I think what happens is that people that get first take on those <br />jobs are people in Elkhart County. As they are basing it out of Elkhart County and holding job <br />fairs there for jobs here in South Bend. Per our tax abatement, it is supposed to support those <br />here locally, not those driving in. I'm not against that but obviously there is an unemployment <br />rate and 50% poverty rate that should lend more support here versus there. Mayor Buttigieg <br />replied I'll be sure to look in to that. <br />Councilmember Dr. Ferlic — Just two comments, I would like to congratulate you on the 1,000 <br />homes in 1,000 days, what a great initiative that is for the community. Secondly, I would like to <br />congratulate you on the code department, which I'm working closely with, how they are really <br />cleaning up South Bend, making South Bend a first rate city. Thank you for those two programs. <br />Councilmember Dieter — Two questions, in regards to the bike event, I know your former chief <br />of staff is working on some type of event ordinance, as we talked about that before was she still <br />looking into that? Mayor Buttigieg responded, the issue there is we have seen an increase in <br />events, which is a nice problem to have but is becoming harder to accommodate them from a <br />Public Works and Public Safety prospective. So we try to work with the organizers to get a <br />realistic plan as our folks have certain requirements. So yes, our Chief of Staff is developing that <br />in partnership with the police and public works, that is ongoing and certainly we won't let that <br />drop. Councilmember Dieter asked, who is the new person or will Brian be the lead on that? <br />Mayor Buttigieg replied Brian will be tracking that, then we will circle back and decide how to <br />staff that moving forward. Councilmember Dieter stated my second question, I sent an email <br />due to the extent of people here tonight to express their concerns about the invasion of people <br />with signs. We did a short presentation about the statue regarding that. Do you plan on <br />conferring with the Chief or do you have any plans to look into that? Mayor Buttigieg responded <br />I will be discussing that with the Chief. The law restrains us on what we can do but also gives us <br />the tools and we want to continue to use those tools that we have to make sure the streets of our <br />city look and feel safe. <br />Councilmember White — Thank you for your report. <br />Mayor Pete — I should probably say one thing as we have a lot of people in the room. What I <br />love about this city is that we have ways to be vigorous about the way we feel about things <br />without being vicious, we have ways to be passionate without being personal, and we have ways <br />to be different without being divided. What I love about this city any time something or <br />someone has threatened to divide us, one against the other; our city has resisted that and have <br />come out united. As we are all fundamentally into this together. I just thought it was important <br />enough to say that. Thank you so much for your time. <br />RESOLVE INTO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE <br />At 7:48 p.m. Council President Tim Scott requested a motion to resolve into the Committee of <br />the Whole. So moved by Councilmember Oliver Davis. Councilmember Gavin Ferlic seconded <br />the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. Councilmember White, Chairperson, <br />presiding. <br />Councilmember White, explained the procedures to be followed for tonight's meeting in <br />accordance with Article 1, Section 2 -11 of the South Bend Municipal Code. <br />Councilmember White stated that a brochure may be found on the railing in the Council <br />Chambers explaining those procedures. <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />0 <br />