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REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 13, 2015 <br />Dr. E. Michael Jones — 206 Marquette Ave, South Bend— I am the editor of Culture Wars <br />magazine. I would like to discuss the political implications of the Mayor's announcement that <br />he is a homosexual and I would like to have thirteen (13) minutes to do so. <br />Councilmember Oliver Davis made a motion to defeat the request for thirteen (13) minutes. <br />Councilmember Dr. Fred Ferlic seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) <br />ayes. <br />Dr. E. Michael Jones — I would like to say what we have witnessed in the past three (3) months is <br />an assault on representative government in the state of Indiana. It began with the attack on <br />RFRA where a group of people and a CEO from San Francisco flew into the state shut out <br />legislature and over turned a law that was passed in the state of Indiana. This was a cabal of <br />CEO's and homosexual activist, what we are seeing here across the country is the same type of <br />pattern. The pattern that is an assault on democracy because of the revelation the Mayor just <br />made. My son went to St. Joes and he went to Harvard, the same trajectory as the Mayor. When <br />he was elected we all gave him the benefit of the doubt. By this announcement he has changed <br />that whole political atmosphere. By this announcement, he announced that he is a part of a <br />political movement to overturn the majority of government in this country, in this state, and in <br />this city. I propose a few questions. When I saw the Mayor on tonight, I thought this would be <br />the opportunity to ask the questions. I am asking you as our elected officials to ask the questions <br />for the people in South Bend who have no voice. We need someone to step up to the plate and <br />represent the citizens of South Bend, IN. <br />( Councilmember Dr. Fred Ferlic exited the meeting) <br />Jesse Davis — P.O. Box 10205, South Bend— I will make this brief I have two privileges of the <br />floor with several documents. One document is regarding a contractor that we were talking <br />about with some explanations. The other he eludes to expanding the policy, which there are <br />three (3) other companies that I have personally investigated. The Council needs to raise some <br />question as to why they are still getting multi - million dollar contracts when they are under state <br />police investigation and possibly federal investigation. <br />Samuel Brown — 222 E. Navarre St., South Bend — I represent the group Citizens United for a <br />Better Government. I would like to say this to the Council that you are doing a good job. We <br />have witnessed something in the U.S. in South Carolina, where good people got together and <br />said we are going to bring something to an end that has been going on for 15 years and they <br />brought that flag down. Now in the city of South Bend, the Council has brought something forth <br />to name a street after the Nobel peace prize winner, Martin Luther King Jr. I hope when the <br />Council is together, that good people will make a good decision to get Martin Luther King Dr. to <br />the way it is supposed to be. <br />Christian Susanna — 126 Napoleon Blvd., South Bend — I came here tonight expecting to have an <br />opposition. Some of you may or may not know, there are people that are flying signs. There has <br />been people coming together over social media and Facebook, the Michiana Panhandler invasion <br />group, where the group posts pictures of citizens doing what they're doing with signs and <br />ridicules them. I was hoping to see them today, begging the council to do something about it. I <br />agree it is a problem in our community. I think the real issues is the way we see it, personally. I <br />think the issue is not whether or not we give them money, but whether we feel like bad people. <br />That issues is not on them but on us. I would encourage the Council if an issue to criminalize <br />poverty comes to a vote, to vote against it. We should be proud of the institutions that we have <br />in place to prevent homelessness and to help those people. We will probably never solve it, and <br />we never will. It is important that we don't make those people out to be criminals. <br />Jason Banicki- Critchlow — 3822 W. Ford St., South Bend — I would like to thank everyone that <br />came out tonight. If we can get this many people here every Monday, maybe we can have more <br />progress in this city. One issue which was tabled today, is the raising of trash fees. When the <br />Mayor sends his people, as he is seldom here, they send it forward as a rate increase. But yet we <br />are paying for his fees, the city clerk fees, the city council fees that aren't administration fees but <br />are just extra fees. It is just a way to add to the tax space. It is time to go back, I know it's been <br />discussed to draw up some alternative proposals, but what can we do besides tax the working <br />43 <br />