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REGULAR MEETING JULY 13, 2015 <br />the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana recognizes that on <br />September 15, 1980, the Common Council passed Ordinance No. 6830 -80 which created a <br />program to assist home owners when dealing with the potential costly repair of private sewer <br />connections when they fail; and <br />the Common Council further notes that over the years, this sewer insurance <br />program has been a very important program which has helped protect the health and safety of the <br />citizens of South Bend and has helped contribute to the efficient operation of the overall sewer <br />system; and <br />the Board of Public Works took over the responsibilities of the Board of <br />Wastewater Commissioners when the Wastewater Board was terminated; and the reporting <br />requirements of South Bend Municipal Code § 17 -64 to both the Council and the Council's Utility <br />Committee remain in full force and effect; and <br />the Council notes that such required reporting has lapsed; and the Council further <br />notes that the Board of Public Works "Sewer Insurance Program Policy" which the Board <br />approved on November 12, 2013, appears to be deficient in light of the fact that it references <br />incorrect citations to the governing provisions of the South Bend Municipal Code and that the <br />policy fails to include reasonable measures to ensure that all vendors are responsible in fulfilling <br />their legal and contractual obligations when doing business with the City of South Bend under the <br />Sewer Insurance Program; and <br />the Common Council recognizes the both the federal government and <br />municipalities in Indiana have included language addressing debarment (removing contractor <br />eligibility for contracts for a fixed period of time) and suspension (removing eligibility for the <br />duration of an investigation or litigation) as appropriate and reasonable business practices; and <br />some examples at the federal level which authorize debarment and suspension <br />include, but are not limited to: the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) which govern <br />contracting with executive branch agencies in order to "prevent improper dissipation of public <br />funds" and provides in part for debarment or suspension for a "serious or compelling" cause; the <br />Buy American Act (41 U.S. Code §8303); Clean Air Act (33 U.S. Code § 1368,. §7606); Davis - <br />Bacon Act (40 U.S. Code §3144); and the Drug -Free Workplace Act (41 U.S. Code §8102); and <br />Resolution Addressing Recommendations to the City Administration <br />Page 2 <br />the Common Council recommends that the Board of Public Works immediately <br />consider updating its Sewer Insurance Program Policy which the Board approved on November <br />12, 2013, to allow for the suspension of any contractor who is suspected of violating any federal <br />or state law, or whose activities may indicate a lack of business integrity which may seriously <br />affect the responsibilities and duties of a contractor to the potential detriment of the City, under <br />this Program; and <br />the Common Council notes that the U.S. Congress have held many hearings on <br />suspension and debarment in light of the "magnitude of federal spending on contracts and reports <br />that agencies awarded contracts to vendors who previously allegedly engaged in misconduct "; and <br />the Council has found that the City of Indianapolis utilizes in their "standard <br />general conditions" provisions on debarment and suspension whereby a contractor doing business <br />with the City certifies that neither the entity or its principals are "...presently debarred, suspended, <br />36 <br />