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REGULAR MEETING JULY 13, 2015 <br />,Alamff� a4la, <br />Pilot Program for Grass/Weeds Abatement Resolution <br />Page 2 Section I. The South Bend Common Council recognizes that in the publication Youth Unemployment <br />Challenge and Solutions — What Business Can Do Now, the following factors were identified as to "Why <br />Youth Fare Worse Than Adults" in the initial workforce entry: <br />• "A lack of information, networks and connections among youth, especially youth from <br />families lacking significant social capital. <br />• A lack of skills relevant to the workplace. <br />• A lack of experience and credentials that address employers' risk in making hiring <br />commitments. <br />• A lack of available jobs suited to entry-level skills ", Manpower Group, Youth Unemployment <br />Challenge and Solutions, pp. 6 -7. <br />Section II. The South Bend Common Council in collaboration with the City Administration <br />recognize that: <br />"Young people bring energy, talent and creativity to economies that no -one can afford to <br />squander... What our young people do today will create the foundations for what our economies <br />will do tomorrow", Youth Employment: A Global Goal, a National Challenge, ILO 2011; and <br />"Companies need to 'lean forward,' take a calculated risk, and open their doors to inexperienced <br />young job candidates... they need to engage their best employees as mentors to young talent', <br />Manpower Group, Youth Unemployment Challenge and Solutions, pp. 27. <br />Section III. The South Bend Common Council hereby authorizes and recommends that in <br />collaboration with the City Administration that a Tall Grass/Weed Abatement Pilot Program focusing on <br />providing youth with working opportunities and life skills training and development be implemented by <br />the City of South Bend for the Summer of 2015, as consistent as possible with the guidelines set forth in <br />the Resolution. <br />Section IV. The Common Council further recommends that the Department of Code Enforcement <br />and any other City Departments or agencies involved provide periodic updates on the program to the <br />Council's Health and Public Safety Committee, with such updates suggested to take place in the months <br />of July and November 2015. <br />Section V. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the <br />Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />Tim Scott, 1st District Council Member <br />Karen L. White, Council Member at Large <br />Dr .FredFerlic,41hDistrictCouncil Member <br />` ale <br />20/5 <br />John Voorde, City Clerk <br />Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of South Bend, Indiana <br />26 <br />