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If the aho~~c co~~enants are breached. the Commission shall hay c all ofthe rights and remedies <br />to ~~hich they ur and other bcncliciarv of the coy enant may be entitled. <br />SECT10~~ ~"I1. PROH161T~IONS AGAInST ASSiC1~11E1~T A1~D TR.41'SFER <br />a. Rcnruscntations as to Dc~~clopmcn(. The Dc~~clopcr represents and agrees that its <br />purchase of the Propcrl~~ and its other undertakings under this Contract arc and will he used ~br <br />dc~~clopmcnt ~~i the Properly and not for speculation in land holding. The Dc~clopcr further <br />rcec~~~nizes that: <br />in ~icw of the importance of the de~clopmcnt of the Property to the general <br />~~cltare of the City. <br />?. thr substantial tinancial and other public assistance that bias been made <br />a~ailahle b~~ la~a~ and b~ the federal and local go~~ernmcnts for the purpose of <br />making such development possible. and <br />~. the t~ict that a transicr in o~~~naship ofthe Developer is for practical purposes <br />a transfer or disposition of the Property then uw~ned by the Developer: <br />the qualifications and identity of the De~~cloper and its shareholders, members or partners arc of <br />particular concern h~ the City and the Commission. The Developer fw~thcr recognizes that it is dueto <br />such c{ualifications and identity that the Commission is entering into this Conh~aet ~~~ith the <br />Deveiopa~. and in so doing,! is further ~~~illing to accept and rcla on the obli<~ations of the Dc~ eloper <br />for the faithhil pertornrmce of all undertakings and covenants. <br />B. prohibition A~~ainst Transfer of Interest. ~hhe Dcrcloper agrees that amp transactions <br />~~~ith respect to the acuity of the lle~~eloper, including any increased capitalization, merger, transfer <br />or transfers of o~~ucrship of the outstanding shares of the Developer, or otherwise. which results in <br />the o~~~nership by persons who arc not presently shareholders. members or partners of the Deg eloper <br />of 5U" ~, or more of the outstanding equity of the Developer at am-time prior to the date of issuanccof <br />a Certificate of Completion. ~~ill constitute a violation of this Contract unless the Commission has <br />given prior written approval to such transfer or transfers, ~~~hich approval will not be unreasonably <br />~~~ithhcld. <br />C. Prohibition Aeainst Transicr of property or Assi~~nment of Contract. The Developer <br />represents and agrees tax itsclt_ its successors and assigns. that except for security for obtaining <br />financing needed to enable: the De~~cloper to make the improvements under this Contract: and except <br />ibr any other purpose authorized by this Contract. the Developer has not made or ~~~ill not make prior <br />to receiving the Ccrtiticatc of Completion: <br />