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.2.. <br />thereunder by the Special Board for Public Works, Certain funds are <br />available to the State under certain conditions for the improvement <br />of extensions of the Federal Aid Highway system into and through <br />municipalities, and <br />WHEREAS, under Sec.29 of Chapter 18 of the Ao$s of 1933 <br />General Assembly of the State of Indiana entitled: "An Act Creating <br />a State Highway Commission, etc. ", the State Highway Commission is <br />authorized "to cooperate with the United States Government under any <br />federal law in any manner necessary to secure for the State bf <br />Indiana the proportion of any federal appropriation which may be <br />made in the future", and <br />WHEREAS, the State desires to construct said railroad <br />bridge, street approaches, and the drainage thereof with National <br />i IFund <br />Recovery Nighwes and has submitted this project as a part of <br />its program of ational Recovery Municipal Projects under said <br />National Industrial Recovery Act of June 16, 1933, now <br />Therefore, in consideration of the mutual provisions con- <br />tained herein, the parties hereto for the purpose of separating <br />grades at the said crossing of the main line of the New York Central <br />Railroad with 'Western Avenue and Walnut Street, in South Bend, here- <br />by agree with each other as follows: <br />1. The State agrees to submit to the proper Federal <br />Apthorities all necessary project statements, plans, specifications <br />and other papers and to diligently endeavour to obtain all necessary <br />Federal approval thereon, for the construction of this grade separa- <br />Y-00-tion with N tional Recovery Highway Funds. all9cated tq the State. <br />The Railroad Company and the City agree to cooperate with and assist <br />the State in every reasonable way to accomplish these things. <br />11. In the even that all necessary Federal approvals are <br />secured within one year from the date hereof then the parties agree <br />that the said grade separation shall be constructed as hereinafter <br />set out, but in the event that such approvals are not secured within <br />one year, then this agreement shall be of no force and effect. If <br />and when this agreement becomes fully operative and effective it <br />shall supersede and replace or modify all portions of the afore- <br />mentioned agreement of April 11, 1930 with which it is in conflict, <br />but only to the extent of such conflict. <br />111. The work shall be subject to all Federal laws, rules, <br />regulations, orders and approvals applying to it as a National <br />Recovery Municipal Project. <br />1V. The work included in and covered by this agreement <br />shall concist of and include, <br />(a) Raising the track of the railroad company at the <br />center line of Western Avenue by approximately <br />4.96 feet, and all work incidental thereto <br />