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M <br />ORDINANCE MWER <br />0 <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana. <br />SECTION 1. That the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) <br />be and the same is hereby transferred from Subdivision <br />7 -711A - Rum Village Shelter House to Subdivision 1-12 - <br />1221 - Care and Up -keep of Grounds. <br />SECTION - That the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) be <br />and the same is hereby transferred from Subdivision <br />7 -711 -B Bendix Shelter House to Subdivision 1-12-1221 - <br />Care and Upkeep of Grounds. <br />SECTION 3. - That the sum of give Hundred and Eighty -eight Dollars <br />and Thirty -nine Cents ($588.39) be and the same is here- <br />by transferred from Subdivision 7- 711 -E- Harrison Shelter <br />House to Subdivision 1- 12- 1221 -Care and Upkeep of Grounds. <br />SECTION 4. That the sum of Sixty -two Dollars and Eighty -one Cents <br />($62.81) be and the same is hereby transferred from Sub - <br />division 7 -73- 731 -Land Contracts to Subdivision 1 -12- <br />1221 -Care and Upkeep of Grounds. <br />SECTION 5. - That the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) be and the same <br />is hereby transferred from Subdivision 5 -52 -Car Licenses <br />to Subdivision 1 -12 -1221 -Care and Upkeep of Grounds. <br />SECTION 6. - That the sum of Three Hundred and Thirty Dollars and <br />Thirty Cents ($330.30) be and the same is hereby trans- <br />ferred from Subdivision 5 -54 -Rents to Subdivision 1 -12- <br />1221 -Care and Upkeep of Grounds. <br />SECTION 7. That the sum of Three Dollars and Fifty Cents ($3.50) <br />be and the same is hereby transferred from Subdivision <br />5 -56- Fidelity Bonds tq,Subdivision 1 -12- 1221 -Care and <br />Upkeep of Grounds. <br />SECTION 8. - That the sum of ,Twelve Hundred. Dollars ($1200 ;00) be <br />and t e -same is hereby transferred from Subdivision 1 -11- <br />1133- Green3,,Keeper to Subdivision 1 -12 -1227 -Care Golf <br />Course. <br />SECTION 9. - That the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) be <br />and the same is hereby appropriated from the General <br />Fund.of said Department to Subdivision 1 -12 -1221 -Care <br />and Upkeep of Grounds. <br />SECTION 1Q.- That the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) be and <br />the same is hereby appropriated from the General Fund <br />of the said Department of Public Parks to said Depart- <br />ment of Public Parks for the purpose of purchasing coal. <br />.1. <br />