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Each joint shall be carefully banked, wiped and cleaned, underground <br />joints between earthenware and iron pipe shall be made the same as above <br />required for earthenware pipe. All joints shall be left with a smooth <br />interior surface. <br />Section 65: Yards and areas shall be properly graded and drains. <br />r,'hen the drain from said yard or area is connected with the house drain <br />it shall be effectually trapped. <br />Section 66: All main and branch soil, waste and vent and revent <br />pi-oes shall be of iron, lead, braes or co -poer. <br />Section 67: Every building in which water closets are installed <br />shall have at least one four (4) inch soil pine stack extending through <br />the roof, with increaser as herein specified. <br />Section 68: All soil and waste pipes into which the various fix- <br />tures discharge shall be extended not less than one (1)foot above the <br />roof of the building at the high side of the stack terminating rith open <br />end for ventilation, and at least five (5) feet Then such -roof is used <br />for other ,_purposes than ceather covering the building. <br />11 such p ies shall be increased at least one inch in size before <br />passing through roof. <br />In no Case shall a vent -?i-oe passing through the roof be less than <br />two (2) inches in diameter, exce-t that all-I ' and 1 -z inch pipe shall <br />be increased to tro (2) inches. <br />Change in diameter shall be made by long increaser, at least six <br />(6) inches below roof. 7"hen roughing is done, the vent pipe necessary <br />for the fixture intended to be used must be installed. <br />Section 69: 1s7easurements of all sevaer taps from the main must be <br />made and reported to the Engineer's Office by all Laster Plumbers when <br />connection thereto is made by them. <br />The term house sever shall apply to the glazed tile or standard cast <br />iron sewer, or drain which begins outside the wall of the building, and <br />connects the house drain v.ith the -public sewer in the street, or the oess- <br />pool or septic tank. <br />Section 70: The roof terminals of all vent pipes shall be at least <br />three (3) feet above any door, window, scuttle or air shaft when located <br />at distances less than tv!elve (1�) feet from such terminal. <br />