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S. <br />interest on the bonds herein authorized to be issued. Interest on said bonds <br />accruing prior to complete construction of said sewerage system improvements shall <br />be paid from the proceeds of said bonds to the extent such interest is not avail- <br />able from fluids received as accrued interest, and, upon the delivery of said bonds <br />and the receipt of the proceeds, a sum, including the accrued interest received, <br />equal to not less than the interest to become due on such bonds on and prior to <br />May 15, 1940, shall be withdrawn from said proceeds and placed in said "Sewage Works <br />Bond and Interest Redemption Fund" to pay said interest. <br />Section 5. While the bonds authorized hereunder or any of them remain <br />outstanding and unpaid the rates for all services rendered by the said sewer <br />system to said City and to its citizens, corporations or any others served shall <br />be reasonable 4ud just, taking into account and consideration the cost and value <br />of said system and the cost of maintaining and operating the same the amounts <br />necessary for the retirement of all bonds and the accruing interest on all such <br />bonds as may be sold and are unpaid under the provisions of this ordinance, and there <br />shall be charged such rates and amounts for sewerage service as shall be adequate <br />to meet the requirements of this and the preceding sections hereof. Compensation <br />for services rendered to said City shall be in like manner charged against the City <br />and payment for same from the corporate funds shall be made monthly into the <br />special fund this ordinance as other income and revenues of said sewerage <br />system and shall be opportioned to operation and maintenance and bond and interest <br />redemption as such other revenues. <br />Said City covenants and agrees that so long as any of the bonds hereby <br />authorized remain outstanding it will keep proper books of record and account, <br />separate from all other municipal records and accounts, showing complete and correct <br />entries of all transactions relating to said sewerage system and that the holders of <br />any of said bonds shall have the right at all reasonable times to inspect the system <br />and all records, accounts and data of the City relating thereto. <br />Section 6. The said City of South Bend hereby covenants and agrees with <br />the holder or holders of the bonds herein authorized to be issued, or any of them, <br />that it will faithfully and punctually perform all duties with reference to said <br />sewerage system required by the Constitution and laws of the Stateof Indiana, includ- <br />ing the making and collecting of reasonable and sufficient rates for services <br />rendered thereby, and will segregate the revenues of said system and make application <br />thereof into the respective funds created by this ordinance; and the city hereby <br />irrevocably covenants, binds end obligates itself not to sell, lease, mortggge or <br />in any manner dispose of said sewerage system, including any and all extensions, <br />additions and appurtenances thereto that may be made or constructed, until all the <br />bonds herein authorized to be issued shall have been paid in full, both principal <br />and interest, and the City further covenants and agrees with the holders of said <br />bonds to maintain in good condition and continuously operate said sewerage system and <br />to charge and collect such rates and charges for services rendered thereby so that <br />the gross revenues will be sufficient at all times to provide for the payment of <br />the operation and maintenance thereof and for the specified payments into the Bond and <br />Interest Redemption Fund as provided herein. <br />Section 7. Any holdek of said bonds or of any of the coupons may <br />either at law or in equity, by suit, action, mandamus or other proceedings enforce <br />and compel performance of all duties prescribed by this ordinance and the law pursuant <br />to which said bonds are issued, including the making and collecting of sufficient <br />rates and segregation of the revenues and the application thereof. <br />Section S. The bonds authorized to be issued hereunder and from time to <br />time outstanding shall not be entitled to priority one over the other in the applica- <br />tion of the revenues of said sewage system, regardless of the time or times of their <br />issuance, it being the intention that there shall be no priority among the bonds <br />authorized to be issued under the provisions of this ordinance, regardless of the <br />fact that they may be actually issued and delivered at different times, and provided) <br />further that the lien and security of and for any other bonds or obligations <br />hereafter issued that are payable from the income or revenues of the sewage system <br />shall be subject to the priority of the bonds hereby authorized as may from time to <br />time be outstanding. <br />Section�99 That the bonds hereby authorized in the principal amount of <br />$2,000,000, consisting of a proportionate amount of each maturity and having, <br />in the aggregate, an average maturity as nearly as may be equal to the average maturity <br />of all the bonds hereby authorized shall be executed as herein provided as soon after <br />